Steam web API

Gem Version

Steam Web API library in Ruby. Retrieves and parses JSON data. If you want more information about the API go to:


  • add a SteamID64 converter thingamajig so you don't have to use a user's SteamID64 only.


Open up your terminal or cmd or whatever and copypasta this code

gem install steamwebapi

To use it in your application, add the following to your Gemfile:

gem 'steamwebapi', '~> 1.0.0'


Retrieve a user's friend list:

# retrieve friend list of user with SteamID64 being 76561197960435530
SteamUser.key('XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX').friend_list('76561197960435530') # some functions require an api key(IPlayerService, ISteamUser, and some ISteamUserStats)

Retrieve news for a Steam app:

# retrieve news for Steam app
SteamApp.get_news('440', '1', '1') # this will retrieve 1 article of app 440 with the content's length being 1("A...")

You can also use the SteamAPI module's get function

# return news for a Steam app - this does the same thing as the example above, its just messier(IMO)
SteamAPI.get('ISteamNews', 'GetNewsForApp', 'v0002', args = {appid: '440', count: '1', maxlength: '1'})