Static Content

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Static Content provides an easy way of defining static content in your application.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'static_content'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install static_content

After install the gem, you just need run the install generator:

$ rails g static_content:install


Creating content

The content we create can be normal text or a markdown. Let`s see the way we can create a content.

Standard Way

You can create as a normal model with:

Content.create({slug: :about_title, text: "My awesome about page"}, as: :admin)

special attention to the as: :admin, the fields is only acessible to admin.

This is intended to be used with admin panels such as Typus or ActiveAdmin.

The better way

The better way is to use the Content.from_slug like:

Content.from_slug(:about_title, default: "My awesome about page")

as this uses find_or_initialize, if is a new slug its create, if a old one its only return the value not raising a error.

So you can use this on a seed for example to create the default things.

Showing content


Show your content as html converted from markdown, in your view, just add:

<%= c :about_title, default: "# My awesome about page" %>

to be converted into

<h1>My awesome about page</h1>

Please note that a default option is required. If it hasn't been created, it will be created upon the first request.

raw content

Show your raw content, in your view, just add:

<%= rc :about_title, default: "# My awesome about page" %>

no change the value as

# My awesome about page

Please note that a default option is required. If it hasn't been created, it will be created upon the first request.


Static Content generates a model Content and a table contents, so your app should not contain this model and table.


Static Content follow the Semantic Versioning.


If you have problems, please create a Github Issue.


Please see for details.


Static Content is maintained and funded by HE:labs. Thank you to all the contributors.