
Utility script for starting a story from a Github repository.

  1. Checks WIP limit. (optional)
  2. Starts the story in your project management tool (optional). Pivotal Tracker and Trello are supported.
  3. Creates a branch if the specified branch does not already exist.
  4. Opens a pull request on Github.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'startling'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install startling

Generate configuration file in rails. Use -H to generate a handlers directory and -C to generate a commands directory

$ rails g startling:configuration 


Startlingfile.rb or startlingfile.rb should be defined in the root of the project. It can contain a block for configuration:

Startling.configure do |config|
  # Commands to be run before a story is stared
  # config.hook_commands.before_story_start = [:check_wip]

  # Commands to be run after a story has started
  # config.hook_commands.after_story_start = []

  # Commands to be run before a pull request is created
  # config.hook_commands.before_pull_request = []

  # Commands to be run after a pull request is created
  # config.hook_commands.after_pull_request = []

  # Handler used to start a provider specific story related to the pull request
  # config.story_handler = :pivotal_start

  # Handler used for setting the title and body of a pull request
  # config.pull_request_handler = :default_pull_request_handler

1. WIP limit

WIP is calculated by the number of pull requests open in the repository.

Set WIP limit:

config.wip_limit = 4

2. WIP labels

You can limit the pull requests included in WIP by configuring the pull request labels for WIP.

config.wip_labels = ["WIP", "REVIEW"]

3. WIP repositories

WIP limit can be checked across multiple Github repositories. Use the same branch name across repositories to count multiple pull requests as only one WIP.

config.repos << "substantial/startling"

4. Check the WIP limit before starting a story:

config.hook_commands.before_story_start = [:check_wip]

5. Branch name

You can check the branch name being used with a custom Proc. For example, this Proc only allows branches that are prefixed with feature/:

config.validate_branch_name = -> (branch_name) { /feature\/.*/ =~ branch_name }

6. Pull request commit message

If the branch is newly created, Startling must create an empty commit in order to open a pull request. The commit message for the empty commit can be set:

config.pull_request_commit_message = "Startling"

7. Pull request description

You will be prompted to set a title for the pull request, but the pull request description is set to a default value that can be configured:

config.pull_request_body = "Startling Body"

8. Pull request labels

You can set one or more labels on the pull request:

config.pull_request_labels = [WIP, REVIEW, HOLD]

config.hook_commands.after_pull_request = [:label_pull_request]


Start a new story with a given story id

$ start '#12345'

Start a new story with a given story id and branch name

$ start '#12345' foo

Check WIP

$ wip


Commands are custom Ruby scripts that can be run at various stages of Startling.

  1. Before the story is started
  2. After the story is started
  3. Before the pull request is opened
  4. After the pull request is opened

Creating a custom command

Custom commands should be put in the startling/commands directory. Create a Ruby class that inherits from the Startling::Commands::Base class and implements an execute method. Add your command class to the corresponding config value for the stage in which your command should be executed.

config.hook_commands.before_story_start = [:check_wip]


Handlers allow for customization of Startling behavior.

Existing handlers:

  1. PullRequestHandler

Handles setting the title and description of the pull request and setting the commit message for the empty commit.

Creating a custom handler

Custom handlers should be put in the startling/handlers directory.

  1. PullRequestHandler

Create a Ruby class that inherits from the PullRequestHandler::Base class. Set pull_request_handler config value to your handler class.

config.pull_request_handler = :default_pull_request_handler


After checking out the repo, run cd startling/startling && bin/setup to install dependencies. Create .env from the Secure Note startling .env in LastPass. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.