Starling Ruby Library

The Starling Ruby library provides a simple, idiomatic interface to the Starling Bank API.


Getting started

Install the gem by adding it to your Gemfile, and then run bundle:

# The gem will be available on RubyGems soon 💎
gem 'starling-ruby', github: "timrogers/starling-ruby"

You can now initialise the client, providing an access token, an optionally an environment (either :sandbox or :production, defaulting to :production):

starling =
  access_token: ENV['STARLING_ACCESS_TOKEN'],
  # Omit the line below to use the default production environment
  environment: :sandbox,


Once you've initialised a Starling::Client, it exposes a number of services (living in lib/starling/services) which have methods calling out to the API, and returning resources (found in lib/starling/resources).

Much of the API has not yet been implemented. Stay tuned for further updates ❤️

Check your balance

balance = starling..get
puts "Your balance is #{balance.amount} #{balance.currency}!"

Fetch information about your account

 = starling..get
puts "Your sort code is #{.sort_code} and your account number is #{.number}."

List transactions

transaction = starling.transactions.list.first
puts "Your most recent transaction was for #{transaction.amount} on #{transaction.created}"

Fetch a transaction by ID

transaction = starling.transactions.get("insert-uuid-here")
puts "Your transaction was for #{transaction.amount} on #{transaction.created}"


The recommended way to run tests on the project is using CircleCI's local Docker testing

  • this is the best way to make sure that what passes tests locally in development will work when you push it and it runs through our automated CI.
# Download the circleci binary (assuming /usr/local/bin is in your PATH)
curl -o /usr/local/bin/circleci && chmod +x /usr/local/bin/circleci

# Run the full CI process, including tests and Rubocop. You'll need Docker installed.
circleci build

You can also run tests in your own environment by running bundle exec rake, and can run Rubocop by running bundle exec rubocop.


All contributions are welcome - just make a pull request, making sure you include tests and write a good, informative commit message/pull request body.

Check out to learn about how we can best work together as an open source community to make the Starling Ruby library as good as it can be.