
Please read the stackprofiler gem README for background on Stackprofiler in general.

This is a Rack middleware that makes benchmarking of Rack apps a breeze. It utilises a fork of the the brilliant stackprof to enable low-overhead sampling of Ruby processes.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'stackprofiler-middleware'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install stackprofiler-middleware

You should have also already installed the main Stackprofiler gem as well. If you haven't done that yet, head over to that gem's repo and come back here once you're done.


First, boot up Stackprofiler's server in the background:

$ stackprofiler

Using Stackprofiler at this stage is pretty simple on account of there not yet being much flexibility in the way of configuration. This will be fixed later - hopefully the simplicity can remain.

Once installed, add Stackprofiler's middleware somewhere in your Rack chain, e.g.:

config.middleware.use Stackprofiler::Middleware

Now start your server like normal. If you wish to profile a request, append profile=true to the query string. This will inform Stackprofiler that it should do its thing. Take note that the response will remain unchanged - Stackprofiler will record its statistics for your later perusal elsewhere. This is to make it easier to profile requests that don't return visible results, e.g. XHR.

Once you have profiled a request or two, you can head over to Stackprofiler's GUI. This is probably at http://localhost:9292/. Read Stackprofiler's README to see how this web UI works.

Data collection configuration

Stackprofiler's operation can be configured by passing in parameters to the middleware specified above. While the defaults should suit most applications, changing them is easy enough:

config.middleware.use Stackprofiler::Middleware {
  predicate: /profile=true/, # regex form for urls to be profiled
  predicate: proc {|env| true }, # callable form for greater flexibility than regex
  stackprof: { # options to be passed directly through to stackprof, e.g.:
    interval: 1000 # sample every n micro-seconds


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  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request