
sr_log is a simple wrapper method around ruby's native Logger class. It allows you to write to multiple custom logfiles and serves the purpose of log rotation by prefixing the logfiles with a month stamp.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'sr_log'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install sr_log


To write to a logfile, call the global sr_log method. For example:

sr_log :user_updates, "This is my message"

sr_log will create a ./log/2016_12_user_updates.log file if one does not already exist (except that it will use current year/month for the prefix). Then it will write the line "This is my message" to the logfile.

Optionally you can pass named arguments to the sr_log method:

Argument: :dir, type: string. Use :dir to set a custom path for where the logfile is saved.

Argument: :single_spaced, type: boolean. Use :single_spaced to avoid an extra new line between log entries.

Argument: :current_user, type: Object. Use :current_user to specify that the message is being logged by a use. This will add a "Logged by user: #{current_user}" line to the logfile before the message.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.