SQL Safety Net

This gem provides hooks into ActiveRecord to analyze SQL queries. It can be very useful in keeping an eye on tuning your code before it becomes a problem. ActiveRecord can make it very easy to send excessive load to the database.

With this gem enabled, HTML pages which have bad queries or too many queries on them will have a debug div added to the HTML with information about the queries. If you see this in development mode, you should investigate and come up with ways to reduce the load.


Add this code to an initializer:


You can pass a block to this method which will yield a configuration object you can use to set threshold parameters on. See SqlSafetyNet::Configuration for all options. For example:

SqlSafetyNet.init_rails do |config|
  config.query_limit = 20

If you need finer control over how the gem is set up, or you are using it in a non-Rails environment, you can initialize it manually. You will need to call SqlSafetyNet::Configuration.enable_on with the ActiveRecord connection object and you will need to add SqlSafetyNet::RackHandler to the Rack middleware stack.