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Provides loosely-coupled helpers for Sidekiq workers. Provides highly available scheduling across multiple hosts.


  • Centralizes configuration for Sidekiq and Sidekiq::Scheduler
  • Provides composable modules for Sidekiq jobs.
    • Simple callbacks for before_start, on_success, on_failure
    • Synchronization across multiple hosts:
    • Provides global level scheduler locks through a thread-safe redis lock
    • synchronize_jobs_mode for if a job should run exclusively. Currently only supports :one_at_a_time.
    • Callbacks for on_schedule_collision and on_lock_timeout
    • Crosshost worker killswitches. enabled and disable methods to enable and disable workers. Enabled by default.


To install this gem with necessary forks:

gem 'sqeduler'
gem 'sidekiq-scheduler', :github => 'ecin/sidekiq-scheduler', :branch => 'ecin/redis-lock' # https://github.com/Moove-it/sidekiq-scheduler/pull/38


To use this gem for initializing Sidekiq and Sidekiq::Scheduler:

In an initializer:

require 'sqeduler'
config = Sqeduler::Config.new(
  # configuration for connecting to redis client. Must be a hash, not a `ConnectionPool`.
  :redis_hash => SIDEKIQ_REDIS,
  :logger     => logger, # defaults to Rails.logger if nil

# Additional configuration for Sidekiq.
# Optional server config for sidekiq. Allows you to hook into `Sidekiq.configure_server`
config.on_server_start = proc {|config| ... }
# optional client config for sidekiq. Allows you to hook into `Sidekiq.configure_client`
config.on_client_start = proc {|config| ... }
# required if you want to start the Sidekiq::Scheduler
config.schedule_path = Rails.root.join('config').join('sidekiq_schedule.yml')

Sqeduler::Service.config = config
# Starts Sidekiq and Sidekiq::Scheduler

See documentation for Sidekiq::Scheduler for specifics on how to construct your schedule YAML file.

Worker Helpers

To use Sqeduler::Worker modules:

  • You DO NOT need to use this gem for starting Sidekiq or Sidekiq::Scheduler (i.e: Sqeduler::Service.start)
  • You DO need to provide at config.redis_hash, and config.logger if you don't want to log to Rails.logger.
    • This gem creates a separate ConnectionPool so that it can create locks for synchronization and store state for disabling/enabling workers.

The modules:

  • Sqeduler::Worker::Callbacks: simple callbacks for before_start, on_success, on_failure
  • Sqeduler::Worker::Synchronization: synchronize workers across multiple hosts:
    • synchronize_jobs_mode for if a job should run exclusively. Currently only supports :one_at_a_time.
    • Callbacks for on_schedule_collision and on_lock_timeout
  • Sqeduler::Worker::KillSwitch: cross-host worker disabling/enabling.
    • enabled and disable class methods to enable and disable workers.
    • Workers are enabled by default.

You can either include everythinginclude Sqeduler::Worker::Everything) or prepend à la carte, but make sure to use prepend, not include.

Sample code and callback docs below.

class MyWorker
  include Sidekiq::Worker

  # include everything
  include Sqeduler::Worker::Everything
  # or cherry pick the modules that you want

  # optionally synchronize jobs across hosts
  prepend Sqeduler::Worker::Synchronization
  # then define how the job should be synchronized
  # :timeout in seconds, how long should we poll for a lock, default is 5
  # :expiration in seconds, how long should the lock be held for
  synchronize :one_at_a_time, :expiration => 1.hour, :timeout => 1.second

  # cross-host methods for enabling and disabling workers
  # MyWorker.disable and MyWorker.enable
  prepend Sqeduler::Worker::KillSwitch

  # Simple callbacks for `before_start`, `on_success`, `on_failure`
  # must be the last worker to be prepended
  prepend Sqeduler::Worker::Callbacks

  def perform(*args)
    # Your typical sidekiq worker code


  # callbacks for Sqeduler::Worker::Callbacks

  def before_start
    # before perform is called

  def on_success(total_time)
    # It worked! Save this status or enqueue other jobs.

  def on_failure(e)
    # Bugsnag can already be notified with config.exception_notifier,
    # but maybe you need to log this differently.

  # callbacks for Sqeduler::Worker::Synchronization

  # NOTE: Even if `on_schedule_collision` or `on_lock_timeout` occur your job will still
  # receive on_success if you prepend Sqeduler::Worker::Callbacks. These events do not
  # equate to failures.

  def on_schedule_collision(duration)
    # Called when your worker uses synchronization and :expiration is too low, i.e. it took longer
    # to carry out `perform` then your lock's expiration period. In this situation, it's possible for
    # the job to get scheduled again even though you expected the job to run exclusively.

  def on_lock_timeout(key)
    # Called when your worker cannot obtain the lock.


Copyright 2015 Square Inc.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.