
Built with :yellow_heart: and :coffee: in San Francisco

A JRuby extension wraps the latest spymemcached client. Fastest jruby memcached client, threadsafe.


Start a local networked memcached server:

$ memcached -p 11211

Require the library and instantiate a Spymemcached object at a global level:

require 'spymemcached'
$cache = Spymemcached.new("localhost:11211")

Setup multiple servers with options

require 'spymemcached'
$cache = Spymemcached.new(['memcached1.host:11211', 'memcached2.host:11211', 'memcached3.host:11211'],
                          {:namespace => 'appName', :timeout => 0.1, :binary => true})

Valid +options+ are:

[:namespace]        Prepends this value to all keys added or retrieved.
[:timeout]          Time to use as the socket read timeout, seconds.  Defaults to 0.5 sec.
[:binary]           Talks binary protocol with Memcached server. Default to true.
[:should_optimize]  If true, Spymemcached low-level optimization is in effect. Default to false.

Rails 4

Use spymemcached_store gem to integrate ActiveSupport cache store and spymemcached.jruby gem.

Rails 3

require 'spymemcached'
config.cache_store = :mem_cache_store, Spymemcached.new(servers, options).rails23

Rails 2.x

require 'spymemcached'
ActionController::Base.cache_store = :mem_cache_store, Spymemcached.new(servers, options).rails23

Default behaviors

Spymemcached.jruby applies:

  • Ketama key hash algorithm (see Spymemcached document or RJ’s blog post for details)
  • Gzip compressed when the cache data size is larger than 16kb.
  • Binary protocol

Other default settings see Spymemcached DefaultConnectionFactory for details.


Benchmark result compared with gem dalli and jruby-memcached

Further resources