Spud CMS

Spud CMS is a CMS Engine designed to be robust, easy to use, and light weight. NOTE: This project is still in its early infancy.


  1. In your Gemfile add the following

    gem 'spud_core', :git => "git://github.com/davydotcom/spud_core_admin.git"
    gem 'spud_cms', :git => "git://github.com/davydotcom/spud_cms.git"
  2. Run bundle install

  3. Copy in database migrations to your new rails project

    bundle exec rake spud_core:install:migrations
    bundle exec rake spud_cms:install:migrations
    rake db:migrate
  4. run a rails server instance and point your browser to /spud/admin

Routing to the CMS Engine

Routing your home page to the CMS engine is fairly straight forward. in your applications environment.rb file add a configure block as such

    Spud::Cms.configure do |config|
        config.menus_enabled = true
        config.templates_enabled = false
        config.root_page_name = "home"

Where "home" is the page name you wish to use.

Pages will default render to the 'application' layout of your application. You can change this by using templates to specify base layouts.

Using Menus

A lot of cms engines allow you to render your navigation links in a ul block by using your page tree structure. In a lot of cases this is insufficient as some sites have urls that redirect to pages outside of your cms. This is where menus come in. They can be built in the spud admin control panel. In your application layout file or any erb template you can render a ul block like so

    <%=sp_list_menu({:id => "navigation",:name => "Main"})%>

This will output a

block for the menu you created in admin named "Main"

Adding Your Own Engines

Creating a rails engine that ties into spud admin is fairly straight forward In your new engine add spud_admin as a dependency and create an initializer inside your engine class as such:

    initializer :admin do
        Spud::Core.configure do |config|
        config.admin_applications += [{:name => "Pages",:thumbnail => "spud/admin/pages_thumb.png",:url => "/spud/admin/pages",:order => 0}]


You can use the layouts provided with spud admin by using 'spud/admin/application' or 'spud/admin/detail' layouts

When creating controllers for the admin panel create them in the Spud::Admin Namespace and have them extend Spud::Admin::ApplicationController for automatic user authentication restrictions.