Image compressor processor for Sprockets

Sprockets preprocessor to losslessly compress .png and .jpg images using pngcrush and jpegoptim.

Integration with Rails 3.1+

Just add this gem to your Gemfile:

gem 'sprockets-image_compressor'

The gem ships with a Railtie which will automatically register the compressor preprocessors.

Now with vendored binary fallbacks / Heroku support!

If the environment doesn't have pngcrush and/or jpegoptim installed, the gem will fall back on binaries packaged with the gem. Currently, only 32bit and 64bit linux binaries are included. Pull requests welcome for other architectures!


  • Provide configuration hooks
  • Test Railtie


  • @nhogle for help with compiling and packaging the jpegoptim and pngcrush binaries
  • @florentmorin for compatibility with sprockets-rails
  • @dkubb for compatibility with Rails 4


(MIT License) - Copyright (c) 2012 Micah Geisel