
Spriteful is a command line sprite generator tool, meant to be used regardless of your programming language, application stack or Web framework.


Lets say that you have your images in images/icons/ and you want to generate a sprite for them.

spriteful images/icons
# create  icons.png
# create  icons.css

Boom! Spriteful will generate a icons.png in your working directory and the respective CSS for your sprite in the icons.css file.

If you want a bit more of control on where we should place the combined image and the CSS, you can use the s (for stylesheets) and d ( for destination) flags and Spriteful will place your icons.png in a specific directory and will save the CSS in the icons.css file instead of copying it to your clipboard.

spriteful images/icons -s stylesheets -d images
# create  images/icons.png
# create  stylesheets/icons.css


By default, Spriteful will generate a set of CSS classes based on the images of your sprite. In the case of having a new.png image in our icons sprite, you can use it putting together the icons and new class.

<a href='/new' class='icons new'>New thing</a>

SCSS support

Spriteful can generate SCSS-ish code with the -f flag. This way the generated code will use Placeholder Selectors instead of generating a class for each image in your sprite.

spriteful images/icons -f scss
# create  icons.png
# copy    icons.scss
// in your SCSS code...
.button {
  @extend %icons-sprite-new;

Multiple sprites

You can deal with multiple sprites in a single run. If images/icons has a set of images for one sprite and images/flags another set you can generate both icons.png and flags.png with a single execution.

spriteful images/icons images/flags -s stylesheets -d images
# create  images/icons.png
# create  stylesheets/icons.css
# create  images/flags.png
# create  stylesheets/flags.css

Spriteful and Rails

If you are working on a Ruby on Rails application Spriteful can provide some extra goodies for you. If run you the spriteful command with the --rails flag, all sprites under app/assets/images/sprites will be generated with respective stylesheets at app/assets/stylesheets/sprites, using the proper image_url helper for the format of your choice.

So, given that you have the icons and flags directories with your images under app/assets/images, you might get a similar output when generating these two sprites.

spriteful --rails
# create  app/assets/images/sprites/flags.png
# create  app/assets/stylesheets/sprites/flags.css.erb
# create  app/assets/images/sprites/icons.png
# create  app/assets/stylesheets/sprites/icons.css.erb

Available options

  • --stylesheets (-s) - Directory to save the generated stylesheet(s), instead of copying them to the clipboard.
  • --destination (-d) - Directory to save the generated image(s).
  • --rails (-r) - Forces rails specific settings, see Spriteful and Rails for more info.
  • --format (-f) - Format to generate the sprite(s) stylesheet(s). Either "css" or "scss".
  • --horizontal - Changes the sprite orientation to horizontal, since all sprites are combined vertically by default.
  • --save - Saves the provided arguments for later use.
  • --spacing - Add some spacing between the images in the sprite.

You can add a .spritefulrc file with default options to your home directory or the current one that they will be picked up whenever you run the spriteful command.


This repository contains an examples folder with some very simple sprites and the output generated by Spriteful. Feel free to take a look or try it on your own by cloning this repository and running spriteful on it.