Order Reporting for Spree and Solidus

Build Status

Automatically sends lists of orders via email based on criteria.

Installing in Spree app

Add this to your Gemfile:

gem 'spree_order_reporting'

Installing in Solidus app

Add this to your Gemfile:

gem 'solidus_order_reporting'


Three steps to configure:

  1. Setup gem with initializer
  2. Create mailer and template
  3. Create query object for selecting orders

1. Setup gem with initializer

Create an application initializer in config/initializers/order_reporting.rb:

OrderReporting.mailer_class = OrderReportMailer
OrderReporting.scheduler = OrderReporting::DelayedJobScheduler.new

OrderReporting.define_report :exported_orders do |config|
  config.send_every = 24.hours
  config.query = ExportedOrdersQuery.new

2. Create mailer and template

class OrderReportMailer < ActionMailer::Base
  def exported_orders(orders)
    @orders = orders
    mail(to: '[email protected]', subject: 'Exported Orders')

3. Create query object for selecting orders

class ExportedOrdersQuery
  def orders
    Spree::Order.exported.where('completed_at > ?', 24.hours.ago)


Run spree tests:

rm -rf spec/dummy/
BUNDLE_GEMFILE=Gemfile.spree.rb bundle
BUNDLE_GEMFILE=Gemfile.spree.rb bundle exec rake

Run solidus tests:

rm -rf spec/dummy/
BUNDLE_GEMFILE=Gemfile.solidus.rb bundle
BUNDLE_GEMFILE=Gemfile.solidus.rb bundle exec rake


Before publishing you will need to have created a new release. To do so update lib/order_reporting/version.rb to new version number and commit this change as "New release vx.x.x". Then tag this commit with git tag vx.x.x and push it git push origin vx.x.x. Then you need to publish to RubyGems...

Publish Spree gem:

gem build spree_order_reporting.gemspec
gem push spree_order_reporting-x.x.x.gem

Publish Solidus gem:

gem build solidus_order_reporting.gemspec
gem push solidus_order_reporting-x.x.x.gem