
I needed a way to give my Spree client a way to add footer affiliate images with links, and so I created an extension for that. Simple.

You'll find an "Affiliate Links" section in the admin tabs. An example on how to display the links in the layout is below.


It's not hard to use, but here's a seed to get you started:

# app/overrides/footer_affiliate_links.rb
  :name => "footer_affiliate_links",
  :virtual_path => "spree/layouts/spree_application",
  :insert_bottom => "#footer",
  :partial => "affiliate_links/footer"

# app/views/affiliate_links/_footer.html.erb
<%= Spree::AffiliateLink.each do |link| %>
  <a href="<%= link.destination_url %>">
    <%= image_tag link.image.attachment.url(:small) %>
<% end %>

That'll get you all of the affiliate links in the footer. Currently, there's no way to order them, and you'll have to add your own image size to the Spree::Image paperclip configuration dynamically if you want that.


Be sure to bundle your dependencies and then create a dummy test app for the specs to run against.

$ bundle
$ bundle exec rake test_app
$ bundle exec rspec spec

Copyright (c) 2012 Sathya Sekaran, released under the New BSD License