
SpreadsheetGoodies is a collection of tools to help work with spreadsheets in Excel and Google Spreadhseets formats. It relies heavily on other gems to make the actual work of reading and writing to spreadsheet documents. It main features are:

  • Read a spreadseet as an array of arrays to allow aceessing its data without using the original document
  • Access a row's elements using the column titles as keys"


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'spreadsheet_goodies'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install spreadsheet_goodies


Read a Google Spreadsheet:

sheet = SpreadsheetGoodies::GoogleDrive.read_worksheet(
  spreadsheet_key: '1UC43X6aZwlWPCnn...', # required,
  worksheet_title: 'sheet1', # optional, first worksheet is loaded if not specified

Read an Excel workbook:

sheet = SpreadsheetGoodies::Excel.read_worksheet(
  file_pathname: '~/workbook.xlsx', # required,
  worksheet_title_or_index: 'sheet1', # optional, first worksheet is loaded if not specified

Iterate over every data row (i.e., all but the header row) and print the value of a column titled 'Total':

sheet.data_rows.each do |row|
  puts "#{row.row_number} -- #{row['Total']}"

Writing values to cells (only available for GoogleDrive adapter right now):

row = sheet[0]
row[0] = 'First cell'
row[1] = 'Second cell'
sheet.commit_writes! # changes are applied to real spreadsheet

Logging in to Google Drive

If you need to access a spreadsheet on Google Drive that is not publicly accessible, you are required to setup an authentication method. Currently, there are two available authentication methods.


To setup OAuth2, first you must configure your Google client id and a client secret like the example below. If you don't have a client id yet, you must create a project and enable the GoogleDrive API at https://console.developers.google.com. Then you need to create a OAuth client id.

SpreadsheetGoodies.configure do |config|
  config. = :oauth2
  config.google_client_id = '1012345678904-fdks82jfhe8ojdks7285fj4pnqiejrnbt.apps.googleusercontent.com' # put your real client id here
  config.client_secret = 'Aa-Ku8C-askjfAYKkdjf9ssnf' # put your real secret here

Then run your code. You will be prompted to make the authorization process to obtain a refresh token:

1. Open this page:

2. Enter the authorization code shown in the page: 4/LADQHhpk7x27BMeP2tIEe_pKuTJmJmZhWoRcBhBmFTVRqSEtcap7Z6s

Congratulations! Your refresh token is: 1/c9JDKAUF83_4SPqNc8ldQWe9TdXOxqXvMJJPtmDA2k
Set the refresh_token in your SpreadsheetGoodies configuration and run your code again

Service Accounts

SpreadsheetGoodies.configure do |config|
  config. = :service_account
  config. = '...'


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/ricardo-jasinski/spreadsheet_goodies.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the Unlicense.