
Allows you to easily add observers to your objects. You can define several observers for a single class and add specific observers for specific methods.

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Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'spotter'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install spotter


Lets say there is a class called SuperHero. Assume we need to observe the object with an observer Foo when it is saved. Assume we need to observe the object with an observer Bar when it is reset.

In the SuperHero class, you need to include the module Spotter. You need to register your observers using the register_observers class method. You also need to specify the methods being observed using the methods_observed class method. And lastly, you need to invoke run_observers in the method where you want to trigger the observers.

class SuperHero

  include Spotter

  register_observers :foo, :bar
  methods_observed :build, :destroy

  attr_accessor :super_hero

  def initialize
    @super_hero = 'Ironman'

  def build
    run_observers(:for => :save, :with => :foo) do
      self.super_hero += ' - Tony Stark'

  def destroy
    run_observers(:for => :reset, :with => :bar) do
      self.super_hero = self.super_hero.split('-').first.strip

While calling the method run_observers, you need to specify 2 options - :for and :with. The :for option specifies the method for which the observer is to be called. The :with option specifies the observers which need to be triggered. You also need to pass it a block, which contains the actual body of the method. The run_observers method attaches the observer to the object and then triggers them.

As the example above depicts, you can have multiple observers - :foo, :bar. Also, you can have multiple methods being observed with different observers.

Now we need to implement our observer. The observer must be within the namespace of the class. So, the observers named named Spottertest::Foo SuperHero::Bar and not just Foo or Bar.

class SuperHero::Foo
  attr_accessor :obj

  def initialize(obj)
    @obj = obj
    obj.add_observer(self, :notify_paparrazzi)

  def notify_paparrazzi
    Notifier.inform_paparazzi(obj) # Send an email to paparazzi

class SuperHero::Bar
  attr_accessor :obj

  def initialize(obj)
    @obj = obj
    obj.add_observer(self, :notify_the_mandarin)

  def notify_the_mandarin
    Notifier.inform_mandarin(obj) # Send an email to mandarin

The initialize method of the observer must accept the object it is observing. It must then add itself to the object being observed. By default the method update is called when notify_observers is invoked. However, while adding the observer you can specify which method is to be invoked.


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  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request


Copyright (c) 2013 Suman Mukherjee

MIT License

For more information on license, please look at LICENSE.txt