
Ruby client for split software. This is provided as a gem that can be installed to your Ruby application


  • Once the gem is published you can install it with the following steps:

    Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

    gem 'splitclient-rb'

    And then execute:

    $ bundle

    Or install it yourself as:

    $ gem install splitclient-rb
  • If the gem is still unpublished you can install it through this git repository with the following instructions:

    Add these lines to you application's Gemnfile

    gem 'splitclient-rb', :git=>'https://github.com/splitio/ruby-client.git',

    You can also specify any specific branch if necessary

    gem 'splitclient-rb', :git=>'https://github.com/splitio/ruby-client.git', :branch=>'development'

    And then execute:

    $ bundle install


Quick Setup

Within your application you need the following

Require the Split client:

require 'splitclient-rb'

Create a new split client instance with your API key:

factory  = SplitIoClient::SplitFactory.new("your_api_key").client
split_client = factory.client

For advance use cases you can also obtain a manager instance from the factory.

manager = factory.manager

Ruby on Rails

If you're using Ruby on Rails

Create an initializer file at config/initializers/splitclient.rb and then initialize the split client :

Rails.configuration.split_client = SplitIoClient::SplitFactory.new("your_api_key").client

In your controllers, access the client using



By default the split client uses its default configuration, it will be sufficient for most scenarios. However you can also provide custom configuration when initializing the client using an optional hash of options.

The following values can be customized

base_uri : URI for the api endpoints defualt value : https://sdk.split.io/api/

local_store : optional cache storage default value : custom cache local storage

connection_timeout : timeout for network connections in seconds default value = 5

read_timeout : timeout for requests in seconds default value = 5

features_refresh_rate : The SDK polls Split servers for changes to feature roll-out plans. This parameter controls this polling period in seconds default value = 30

segments_refresh_rate : The SDK polls Split servers for changes to segment definitions. This parameter controls this polling period in seconds default value = 60

metrics_refresh_rate : The SDK sends diagnostic metrics to Split servers. This parameters controls this metric flush period in seconds default value = 60

impressions_refresh_rate : The SDK sends information on who got what treatment at what time back to Split servers to power analytics. This parameter controls how often this data is sent to Split servers in seconds default value = 60

debug_enabled : Enables extra logging default value = false

transport_debug_enabled : Enables extra transport logging default value = false

logger : default logger for messages and errors default value : Ruby logger class set to STDOUT

block_until_ready : The SDK will block your app for provided amount of seconds until it's ready. If timeout expires SplitIoClient::SDKBlockerTimeoutExpiredException will be thrown. If false provided, then SDK would run in non-blocking mode default value : false


options = {
  base_uri: 'https://my.app.api/',
  local_store: Rails.cache,
  connection_timeout: 10,
  read_timeout: 5,
  features_refresh_rate: 120,
  segments_refresh_rate: 120,
  metrics_refresh_rate: 360,
  impressions_refresh_rate: 360,
  logger: Logger.new('logfile.log'),
  block_until_ready: 5
  split_client = SplitIoClient::SplitFactory.new("your_api_key", options).client
rescue SplitIoClient::SDKBlockerTimeoutExpiredException
  # Some arbitrary actions

This begin-rescue-end block is optional, you might want to use it to catch timeout expired exception and apply some logic here.


In your application code you just need to call the get_treatment method with the required parameters for key and feature name

split_client.get_treatment('user_id','feature_name', {attr: 'val'})

For example

if split_client.get_treatment('employee_user_01','view_main_list', {age: 35})

Also, you can use different keys for actually getting treatment and sending impressions to the server:

split_client.get_treatment({ matching_key: 'user_id', bucketing_key: 'private_user_id' },'feature_name', {attr: 'val'})

When it might be useful? Say, you have a user browsing your website and not signed up yet. You assign some internal id to that user (i.e. bucketing_key) and after user signs up you assign him a matching_key. By doing this you can provide both anonymous and signed up user with the same treatment.

bucketing_key may be nil in that case matching_key would be used as a key, so calling

split_client.get_treatment({ matching_key: 'user_id' },'feature_name', {attr: 'val'})

Is exactly the same as calling

split_client.get_treatment('user_id' ,'feature_name', {attr: 'val'})

bucketing_key must not be nil

Also you can use the split manager:

split_manager = SplitIoClient::SplitFactory.new("your_api_key", options).manager

With the manager you can get a list of your splits by doing:


And you should get something like this:

 => [{:name=>"some_feature", :traffic_type_name=>nil, :killed=>false, :treatments=>nil, :change_number=>1469134003507}, {:name=>"another_feature", :traffic_type_name=>nil, :killed=>false, :treatments=>nil, :change_number=>1469134003414}, {:name=>"even_more_features", :traffic_type_name=>nil, :killed=>false, :treatments=>nil, :change_number=>1469133991063}, {:name=>"yet_another_feature", :traffic_type_name=>nil, :killed=>false, :treatments=>nil, :change_number=>1469133757521}]


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to rubygems.org.


The gem uses rspec for unit testing. Under the default /spec folder you will find the files for the unit tests and the specs helper file ( spec_helper.rb ). If a new spec file with new unit tests is required you just simply need to create it under the spec folder and all its test will be executed on the next rspec execution.

To run the suite of unit tests a rake task is provided. It's executed with the following command:

  $ rake spec

Also, simplecov is used for coverage reporting. After the execution of the rake task it will create the /coverage folder with coverage reports in pretty HTML format. Right now, the code coverage of the gem is at about 95%.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/splitio/ruby-client.

Gem version publish

To build a new version of the gem, after you have finished the desired changes, documented the CHANGES.txt and the NEWS, as well as named it properly in the version.rb. This steps assume that all of your new cool features and fixes have been merged into development, and into master branches of the ruby-client repo. Once that is ready to go, you will have to run the build command to obtain a .gem file:

gem build splitclient-rb.gemspec

That will generate a splitclient-rb-x.x.x.gem file, with the corresponding version information on it. To publish this new version of the gem at rubygems.org you must run the following command:

gem push splitclient-rb-x.x.x.gem

A valid rubygems username and password will be required.

After this action, the new splitclient-rb-x.x.x version is available for its use from any ruby app.

So for instance in a rails app Gemfile, you could add the:

gem 'splitclient-rb', '~> x.x.x'

line to have the latest version of the gem ready to be used.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the Apache License.