Spinto Ruby Gem

Spinto is a CMS alternative for building websites with non-technical contributors over Git. The site builder on Spinto’s server is a flavor of Jekyll, with added support for CoffeeScript, LESS, SASS and SCSS.

The Spinto Ruby Gem comes with a server to build and preview your website on your own computer. Open a terminal and cd into a Spinto/Jekyll project, and start the server:

bash spinto-site --auto --server

Now you can open a browser to http://localhost:4000 and see your website. The --auto flag will ensure your website is rebuilt when files are changed.

``` > spinto-site –help Spinto-site is the spintoapp.com wrapper of jekyll, the blog-aware, static site generator.

Basic Command Line Usage: spinto-site # . -> ./_site spinto-site # . -> spinto-site # -> spinto-site --auto --server # Host your site locally

Configuration is read from ‘/_config.yml’ but can be overriden using the following options:

    --[no-]auto                  Auto-regenerate
    --server [PORT]              Start web server (default port 4000)
    --no-server                  Do not start a web server
    --url [URL]                  Set custom site.url
    --version                    Display current version ```


bash gem install spinto

And you’re done!

Additional Info

The Spinto Ruby Gem is available under the MIT License.

Written by Matthew Beale for Spinto.