
Inject Script phase in your Xcode project easily.

How to install

gem install spinjector

How to use

Global configuration file

First, create a YAML configuration file under ./Configuration/spinjector_configuration.yaml (default path where spinjector looks for a configuration file).

    name: "Foo"
    script: |
      echo Foo
    execution_position: :after_compile

    - foo
    - "helloworld.yaml"
    - "helloworld_explicit_script.yaml"
    - "helloworld_short.yaml"
    - foo

Script configuration file

Then, for each script you want to inject in your Xcode project:

  • You can use scripts section in the global configuration file to define your script directly (eg. foo)...

  • ...Or create a script configuration file (eg. helloworld.yaml)

name: "Hello World"                  # required. Script phase name.

# One and only one :script_path or :script may appear.
# For now, it makes no sense to have 2 differents script sources.
script_path: "Script/helloworld.sh"  # required. Script file path.
script: |                            # required. Script.
  <some code lines>
  <other code lines>

input_paths:                         # optional.
  - ""

output_paths: # optional.
  - ""

input_file_list_paths:               # optional.
  - ""

output_file_list_paths:              # optional.
  - ""

dependency_file:                     # optional.

execution_position:                  # optional. [:before-compile | :after-compile | :before-headers | :after-headers].
  • If you use the script_path option, create the script file echo Hello World `


Finally, inject script phases

spinjector [-c] <path-to-your-global-configuration-file>

Enjoy your build phases Image of your build phases Image of hello world 2 build phase