
This will add a contact form builder in spina. You can create form elements in the backend that will populate the form in the frontend.

This is a work in progress.

Please update to the latest version, anything under '0.1.2' will NOT work.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

For latest master branch

gem 'spina_contact_forms', git: 'https://github.com/acapro/Spina-Contact-Forms'


gem 'spina_contact_forms'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Make sure your mail settings are setup correctly.

Add the following to config/secrets.yml

contact_form_from_email: [email protected]

The email will be sent to whatever current_account.email returns, so make sure an email address is saved in the database under account settings.

Add the following to your theme's config file (config/initializers/themes/theme_name.rb)

theme.plugins = ['ContactForm']

Copy and run the migrations, make sure to do this when upgrading as well, since new migragtions could be added.

rake spina_contact_forms_engine:install:migrations
rake db:migrate


In your view, call <%= spina_contact_form%> That's it! Use Mailcatcher for local development, and test it out.

Contact Forms are scoped to the current_theme, so any changes to the theme name or setting a different theme for the account will cause a separate contact form to be loaded.


Contributions are welcome! It is still in an early stage, and more features are required. Fork it, and create a pull request.


  • Currently only text inputs and text areas are supported, select dropdowns, check boxes and radio buttons still needed
  • Required elements do not yet work
  • Use Form Object design pattern (for Active Model validations)
  • Internationalization needed
  • Create an install generator, which copies the migrations and view files

Further updates will be available in may.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.