
What is Speedos?

Speedos incorporates BrowserMob Proxy along with Capybara, recording the web traffic and time taken to load all elements on each of the pages within a user journey. The aim is to identify any performance related issues, such as specific items that take a long time to load on page.


Put speedos on your Gemfile and using the new HarView

gem 'speedos'
gem 'har', git: 'https://github.com/PeterWuMC/har.git'

Or, install it via rubygem

$ gem install speedos

The easiest and quickest way to get you started is to run the init script

$ speedos init

and it will generate following file structure for you:

├── .irbrc
├── Rakefile
├── config
│   ├── initializer.rb
│   └── mongoid.yml
├── helpers
├── log
└── scripts



It is essential to let speedos know the location of your mongoid.yml by...


Refer to mongoid documentation for the correct format of mongoid.yml http://mongoid.org/en/mongoid/docs/installation.html


By default, speedos will output all the logging using STDOUT, you can override this method by either

# pass in a Logger Object
Speedos::Log.logger = Logger.new()


# the location where you want the log to be saved
Speedos::Log.logger = "/location/to/desire/log/location"

Create your own script

you should put all your script under /scripts

require 'speedos'

Speedos::Performance.test do |page|
  page.is 'simplybusiness-main-page' do
    # page.driver is a capybara session instance
    page.driver.visit   'https://www.simplybusiness.co.uk/'
    page.driver.fill_in 'ctaText', with: "IT contractor"

  page.is 'business-insurance-page' do

To execute the scripts

If you use init to generate your structure, you should get Rakefile created. And it will create rake task for all the scripts you have created in /scripts

└── scripts
    ├── earth
    │   └── grass.rb
    ├── human.rb
    └── sky
        ├── cloud.rb
        └── rain.rb

For example, if you have above scripts structure, then you should get the following rake tasks created

$ rake -T

rake earth:grass  # run the script located in /Users/pwu/test/scripts/earth/grass.rb
rake human        # run the script located in /Users/pwu/test/scripts/human.rb
rake sky:cloud    # run the script located in /Users/pwu/test/scripts/sky/cloud.rb
rake sky:rain     # run the script located in /Users/pwu/test/scripts/sky/rain.rb


You can access the performance data via Speedos::Record object

$ irb

> Speedos::Record.first.pages
#=> [Entries: ["simplybusiness-main-page"], Entries: ["google-result-page"]]

> Speedos::Record.first.pages.first
#=> Entries: ["simplybusiness-main-page"]

> Speedos::Record.first.pages.first.total_load_time
#=> 3828.0
# which is the total loading time for the page in milliseconds