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Speedly is a simple CLI tool to test your page speed performance. It works with YSlow.


Speedly use PhantomJS.

If you're on OS X, Homebrew is the simples way to install PhantomJS:

$ brew update && brew install phantomjs

For other operating systems, please check the download page.


Install it yourself as:

$ gem install speedly

And then execute:

$ bundle


Run Speedly in Basic mode:

$ speedly -u http://www.zwoio.de

URL:          http://www.zwoio.de/
Loading time: 2.3 s (2289 ms)

You can run Speedly with multiple URLs:

$ speedly -u http://www.zwoio.de,http://www.github.com

URL:          http://www.zwoio.de/
Loading time: 2.1 s (2111 ms)

URL:          https://github.com/
Loading time: 6.3 s (6327 ms)

-a, --advanced run Speedly in Advanced mode:

$ speedly -a -u http://www.zwoio.de

URL:          http://www.zwoio.de/
Loading time: 2.2 s (2173 ms)
Requests:     14
Score:        84/100
Size:         419 kB (429499 B)

-v, --version display the version:

$ speedly -v

Speedly version 0.1.2

-h, --help display the help message:

$ speedly --help

Usage: speedly [--url[=<url>,=<url>]] [--advanced] [--version]
    -u, --urls          Your URL(s)
    -a, --advanced      Use advanced mode.
    -v, --version       Display the version.
    -h, --help          Display this help message.

Special Thanks


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  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request

Copyright (c) 2013 Daniel Bayerlein. See LICENSE for details.