
Code Climate

Test driven development red-green cycle for simple people!

The gist

Spectator is a simple watcher for your specs:

  • it will execute a spec each time a file (spec or implementation) is modified or created (really catches new files!)
  • it does not starts your whole suite at start, nor when a spec passes or fails (as autospec tends to do)
  • if you ask it runs the whole spec suite

Started as a custom Watchr script Spectator has grown up to a tiny gem!


Works with RSpec-1 and RSpec-2 (looks for a .rspec file in the project root).


Launch spectator in a terminal and go back to code!

The normal behavior is similar to autotest --fast-start --no-full-after-failed but gives the user a bit more control over execution. By hitting CTRL+C (or CMD+. on OSX) you get the following prompt:

^C (Interrupted with CTRL+C)
--- What to do now? (q=quit, a=all-specs):

Type q and ENTER (or CTRL+C again) to quit.

Type a and ENTER (or CTRL+C again) to execute the whole suite of specs.

Advanced (upcoming!)

If you want to override some path matching:


The glob that expanded will list the directories that contains the code. Default:


The glob that expanded will list the directories that contains the specs. Default:


The full command that will run your specs. Default: bundle exec rspec (or bundle exec spec for RSpec 1.x)


Inline ENV variables

# this will match lib/opal/parser.rb to spec/cli/parser.rb
BASE_DIR_GLOB='lib/opal' SPEC_DIR_GLOB='spec/cli' spectator

Exported ENV variables

export BASE_DIR_GLOB="{opal/corelib,stdlib}"
export SPEC_DIR_GLOB="spec/{corelib,stdlib}"
export RSPEC_COMMAND="bundle exec mspec run -t ./bin/opal -I$(dirname $(gem which mspec)) -Ilib -rmspec/opal/mspec_fixes.rb"

With a .spectator config file

# contents of ".spectator" file
BASE_DIR_GLOB: 'lib/opal'
SPEC_DIR_GLOB: 'spec/cli'

Specifying a custom config file

# contents of ".my-spectator-config" file
BASE_DIR_GLOB: 'lib/opal'
SPEC_DIR_GLOB: 'spec/cli'
spectator .my-spectator-config


Copyright © 2011-2012 Elia Schito, released under the MIT license