Smarter Rspec Runner

Script that runs specs for Rails and other Ruby projects based off of perforce status


This gem is publicly available on RubyGems.

gem install specss

If your projects use different Ruby versions, then each one will require this step in order to run.


Navigate to the root of your rails app or ruby project and simply run:


By default, it only runs the 'condensed' version that executes specs based on files opened for edit from your p4 status. To run specs on all changed files and all dependents of those changed files, run:

specss -e

For other information, print the help after running the executable:

[~]$ specss -h
Usage: specss [option]
    -c, --condensed                  Run specs of files opened for edit only
    -e, --extended                   Run specs of files opened for edit and dependents
    -l, --list                       Prints a list of specs for files opened for edit
    -v, --version                    Smarter Specs Version
    -h, --help                       Prints this help


git clone [email protected]:tombonan/smarter-specs.git && cd smarter-specs
rake console

Gathering Dependents

In the script I utilize the Rubrowser gem to create a dependency graph for the code.