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This gem contains trivial matchers to make RSpecs a bit more effective and less annoying.

  • eql_file
  • have_a_spec
  • include_module
  • pass_rubocop
  • validates_with

It also provides rake commands

  • rake spec_cat:accept
  • spec_cat:coverage

NOTE: This gem does not depend on Rails. All paths are relative to cwd, which may be Rails.root or anywhere else.

Getting Started

Add this to your gemfile...

gem 'spec_cat'
gem 'simplecov', :require => false

Add this to your spec_helper.rb...

# Initialize SimpleCov

require 'simplecov'

SimpleCov.start 'rails' do
  add_filter '/vendor/'
  add_filter '/spec/'



eql_file will compare method output to a ground truth file and fail if they are different.

It also writes a .tmp file to replace the old ground truth if it's gone stale.

e.g. #foo produces a gnarly string too nasty to copy and paste into spec code.

 expect(foo).to eql_file('spec/truth/foo.json')

... if it fails for a valid change, you can just....

cp spec/truth/foo.json.tmp spec/truth/foo.json

... and all will be good again.

This mechanism is a bit brittle, but great for big blobs of data.

If you use this, you should add *.tmp to your .gitignore.


have_a_spec will ensure that any given path has a corresponding spec file to help ensure that you have good coverage.

expect('app/controllers/application_controller.rb').to have_a_spec

... is a good thing to write right after you integrate RSpec.

Here's an example coverage spec...


include_module makes it easy to spec concern inclusion.

it('is taggable') { include_module(Taggable) }


pass_rubcop just executes Rubocop and passes or fails based on it's exit status.

it('passes Rubocop') { pass_rubocop }


validates_with confirms that an ActiveModel::Validator is being used.

it('validates numbers') { validate_with(NumberValidator) }

Rake Tasks


rake spec_cat:accept runs all specs and causes the eql_file matcher to overwrite the ground truth files, rather than output .tmp files.

This is convenient when a code change impacts a large number of ground truth files, but is also risky, as it may allow an incorrect change to become ground truth.


rake spec_cat:coverage runs all specs and then opens the coverage report if all the specs pass.


Version History

# Credits

Thanks to Filip Bartuzi and Otavio Medeiros for publishing their gists of the validate_with matcher!