spdeck-scrape: Simple SpeakerDeck Scraper

This is a simple gem designed to scrape data from SpeakerDeck.com. This is the first gem I have ever built! I wrote it to practice scraping websites and to learn how to build gems.

SpeakerDeck.com does not natively allow sorting presenations according to views, so this gem allows you to grab the views data and port it into a database or straight to barebones HTML, sorted in descending order.

This gem is still a work in progress!


gem install spdeck-scrape


spdeck-scrape can be used from the command line and also in Ruby scripts.

From the command line:

$ spdeck-scrape [query | range | l or s display]

In a Ruby script:

  • initialize a new SpeakerdeckScraper object specifying the desired query. It defaults to Ruby.
spd-ruby = SpeakerdeckScraper.new("rails")
# grabs the titles, authors, views, and links
  • set the number of query results pages to pull ruby spd-ruby.query_results_scrape(10) # pulls the first 10 pages
  • initiate the scrape ruby spd-ruby.scrape_all
  • extract the data to basic HTML ruby spd-ruby.html_gen # will create a file called 'spd-ruby.html' in the working directory with a table of the results sorted by views descending


SpeakerdeckScraper Presentations SPDatabase SPHTMLGen
