
Welcome to spaceborne. Your new tool for testing of RESTful APIs. This builds on the great work of brooklyn/airborne, which I think is very useful, but has some major shortcomings. It also leverages curlyrest which allows easily adding a header parameter to an API request, and causes the request to be processed/exposed as a curl command.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'spaceborne'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install spaceborne

Creating API tests

Making a request

Spaceborne/airborne use curlyrest/rest-client to make the API requests. These are done in the manner that you actually think about the request, the http action verb, the url, headers, and body(optional depending on the verb). When creating a test, you can call any of the following methods: get, post, put, patch, delete, head, options.

Parts of a request

part description restrictions
url uri describing destination of the request not including query/fragment
headers hash of request headers optional request modifiers
body data being passed in the request not on head/get requests
query data passed on url after '?' added as a 'params' hash in headers

Optional request modifiers

These are passed as headers, but will be removed from the actual request, taking the desired effect.

modifier values effect
:use_curl true, 'debug' executes the command via curl, and if 'debug', output the command and response
:use_proxy url of the proxy sends the request to the proxy
:nonjson_data true forces content-type to application/x-www-form-urlencoded

Request examples

passing request headers

get '', { 'x-auth-token' => 'my_token' }

passing a body (post, put, patch, delete) as a hash

post '', { :name => 'John Doe' }, { 'x-auth-token' => 'my_token' }

passing Query params via headers

post '', { }, { 'params' => {'param_key' => 'param_value' } }

make the request using curl and show me the entire request/response

get '', { 'x-auth-token' => 'my_token', use_curl: 'debug' }

Validating a response

Most of the power of spaceborne comes from being able to write expectations in a compact form that has great power at being able to perform the actual validation you have in mind. This allows you to build up positive and negative test cases and choose what parts of the response are important, or ignored. Here's an example that we'll look at.

require 'spaceborne'

describe 'simple get sample' do
  it 'should pass validation' do
    wrap_request do
      get '' #json api that returns { "name" : "John Doe" }
      expect_json_types(name: :string)
      expect_json(name: 'John Doe')

The parts of the example outside of the wrap_request block are typical rspec. The wrap_request is a spaceborne concept, saying that if anything fails inside of the block, to ouput to stdout information about the request, and response. This is to work around the issue of an expectation failing, and having good info about why, but having no idea what the request or response were that caused the failure. The actual request is done on the get line. Validation of the response is the following expect_ lines.

Parts of response to validate

  • HTTP Status
    • expect_status(200) - expect to get a status of 200
  • Headers
    • expect_header(validators)
    • expect_header_types(validators)
  • JSON
    • expect_json(validators)
    • expect_json(path, validators)
    • expect_json_types(validators)
    • expect_json_types(path, validators)
    • expect_json_keys(validators)
    • expect_json_keys(path, validators)
    • expect_json_sizes(validators)
    • expect_json_sizes(path, validators)

The validators mimic the structure of the response you're validating. For example, if your API returns the following json on a get call with Alex specified in the URL:

  "name": "Alex",
  "address": {
    "street": "Area 51",
    "city": "Roswell",
    "state": "NM",
    "coordinates": {
      "latitude": 33.3872,
      "longitude": 104.5281 } },
  "phones": [
    { "type": "cell",
      "number": "123-456-7890"},
    { "type": "home",
      "number": "987-654-3210"} ]

some possible validations are:

expect_json(name: 'Alex') # exact match because you asked for Alex
expect_json_types(name: :string, address: {street: :string, city: :string, state: :string,
  coordinates: {latitude: :float, longitude: :float}},
  phones: :array_of_objects) # all the types and structure (cannot go into arrays this way)
expect_json('address', state: /^[A-Z]{2}$/) # ensures address/state has 2 capital letters
expect_json_types('phones.*', type: :string, number: :string) # looks at all elements in array
expect_json_types('phones.1', type: :string, number: :string) # looks at second element in array
expect_json_keys('address', [:street, :city, :state, :coordinates]) # ensure specified keys present
expect_json_sizes(phones: 2) # expect the phones array size to be 2

Additionally, if an entire object could be null, but you'd still want to test the types if it does exist, you can wrap the expectations in a call to optional:

it 'should allow optional nested hash' do
  get '/simple_path_get' #may or may not return coordinates
  expect_json_types('address.coordinates', optional(latitude: :float, longitude: :float))

Additionally, when calling expect_json, you can provide a regex pattern in a call to regex:

describe 'sample spec' do
  it 'should validate types' do
    get '' #json api that returns { "name" : "John Doe" }
    expect_json(name: regex("^John"))

When calling expect_json or expect_json_types, you can optionally provide a block and run your own rspec expectations:

describe 'sample spec' do
  it 'should validate types' do
    get '' #json api that returns { "name" : "John Doe" }
    expect_json(name: -> (name){ expect(name.length).to eq(8) })

When calling expect_*_types, these are the valid types that can be tested against:

  • :int or :integer
  • :float
  • :bool or :boolean
  • :string
  • :date
  • :object
  • :null
  • :array
  • :array_of_integers or :array_of_ints
  • :array_of_floats
  • :array_of_strings
  • :array_of_booleans or :array_of_bools
  • :array_of_objects
  • :array_of_arrays

If the properties are optional and may not appear in the response, you can append _or_null to the types above.

Validation for headers follows the same pattern as above, although nesting of multiple levels isn't going to be needed.

Extensions to Airborne

  1. Uses curlyrest to allow extension of rest-client with curl requests
  2. Uses wrap_request to bundle groups of expectations so that if any fail, you will actually see the request and response printed out, rather than just seeing the expectation that failed
  3. json_body is only parsed once after a request rather than on each expect call
  4. Expectations for headers use the same form as the expectations for json bodies
    • expect_header same arguments/handling as expect_json
    • expect_header_types same arguments/handling as expect_json_types
  5. It is possible to use non-json data in a request
  6. Expectations on a response with an array of hashes with keys that are unknown, but that have a defined structure are supported (using the '*' in a path)

The following example shows how this works

{ "array_of_hashes": [
   { "husband": {"first": "fred", "last": "flinstone"}},
   { "buddy": {"first": "barney", "last": "rubble"}},
   { "wife": {"first": "wilma", "last": "flinstone"}}
   { "husband": {"first": "fred", "last": "flinstone"},
     "buddy": {"first": "barney", "last": "rubble"},
     "wife": {"first": "wilma", "last": "flinstone"}

You can now validate the fact that each element in the collection has a key which is variant, but a value that has a defined format (first and last are strings).

expect_json_types('array_of_hashes.*.*', first: :string, last: :string)
expect_json_types('hash_of_hashes.*', first: :string, last: :string)


To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.