
Gem Version GitHub Workflow Status MIT Licensed

Tool to maintain local clones of repos you have access to on GitHub


To clone all your repos to the current directory: spaarti

Adding -p will remove orphaned repos (repos on disk that don't exist on GitHub, or that you no longer have access to).

Adding -q will silence output except errors.

You can override the defaults by defining a config file in YAML:

base_path: Defaults to './', this is the root that repos will be cloned to
auth_file: Passed to OctoAuth for storing your GitHub token, the default will use ~/.octoauth.yml
exclude: Hash where keys are attributes of a repo ( and values are array of regex pattern strings, with any repo whose attribute matches any pattern not being pulled
format: Format string used to determine path. Defaults to "%{full_name}", so "akerl/blog" is cloned at "akerl/blog". Available keys:
git_config: Hash of key/value pairs, will be set in .git/config for cloned repos. Useful for setting things like
quiet: Boolean, controls verbosity of status output
purge: Boolean, true will remove repos that are on-disk but not accessible by you on GitHub
url_type: Used to determine how to clone, one of: html, clone, git, ssh, svn. Defaults to 'ssh'

The default config path is ~/.spaarti.yml, but you can provide an alternate path with ./spaarti -c /path/to/config


gem install spaarti


spaarti is released under the MIT License. See the bundled LICENSE file for details.