
Trace ruby code


ruby 2


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'source_route'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install source_route


In irb or pry

SourceRoute.trace(output_format: :console, event: :c_call) { 'abc'.upcase }

In rails console

SourceRoute.trace(defined_class: :ActiveRecord, output_format: :html) { }

It will generate a html file, open it and you can get the trace of

The intereting part is when you run the above command again(in same console), you will get a different trace file.

In your ruby application

SourceRoute.enable do
  method_id :wanted_method_name
  filename 'tmp/capture_wanted.html'
.... # here is your code
# add it after your tracked code, it will output the trace into a html file

Same as the previous example, you will get a html file showing the code trace.

In a small application, you may try this

SourceRoute.enable do
  defined_class :wanted_class_name
  output_format :console
.... # here is your code

It will output the trace when you run the application.

see more usage in examples. see full usage in examples/study_callback.rb

Study Callback Example


I always wanna upgrade my ruby(rails) skills. But everytime when I looking for workaround from stack overflow I feel frustration.

To get solution or workaround from google or stack overflow is suitable when I'm a ruby starter or task is urgent. But it's not really helpful to levelup my skills.

The way how I solve problem define my skills' border and depth. So if I slove problems by search google and stack overflow with workarounds, I mostly just increase my experiences on ruby(rails). But if I solve problems directly, in most case, I can say my skill border extends.

That's why I create this gem. To solve problems directly, I need to know what happened in call or return traces. Fortunately ruby 2.0 introduce a new feature TracePoint to easily trace inner event. But it's not easily to be used as daily tool. This gem tries to make tracing more readable and easily in our daily work.

Finally, I expect my working style can changes from searching workaround from internet to reading code trace(then more easily check source) directly. I hope it can help you too.


$ bundle install
$ rake


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  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request


call and return event combined together is no useful. So traces data structure need changed.

global disable some class from monitor

Cleanup Code and remove useless comments.

Dynamic indent when new child level comes.

Add debug option to provide more verbose messages of what has happened

if instance val contains symbol as value, the json output will be string. It could be confused others.

Open File directly from browser(chrome) by plugin? Maybe check out how better error implement this