Soulheart Soulheart Build Status Code Climate Test Coverage

Soulheart is a ready-to-use remote data source for autocomplete. The goal is to provide a solid, flexible tool that's downright easy to set up and use.


  • Pagination
    For infinite scrolling of results - wow!
  • Categories
    Match results for specified categories, or not. Your choice
  • Prioritization
    Return results sorted by priority (not just alphabetically)
  • Arbitrary return objects
    Get whatever you want back. IDs, URLs, image links, HTML, :boom:
  • Loads data
    Accepts local or remote data - e.g. you can use a gist
  • Runs Standalone or inside a rails app

Autocomplete in action

Getting started

See the Soulheart demo page for a step-by-step explanation of creating an instance and setting up a select box that uses it as a remote data source.


With Heroku Deploy

You can instantly deploy Soulheart to Heroku for free.

To update your Heroku deploy of Soulheart, use the Heroku CLI and redeploy the app:

heroku deploy -a NAME_OF_YOUR_APP_ON_HEROKU

In a Rails app

Soulheart is also a gem. Add it to your gemfile:

gem 'soulheart'

And then put this in your routes.rb -

require 'soulheart/server'
mount Soulheart::Server => "/soulhearts"

You can then access the server when your rails app is running. You can run the Soulheart commands from that directory.

note: On Heroku Soulheart uses rackup to start the server. Because of this, there's a and a Gemfile.lock—to make it (and any forks) directly deployable. These files aren't in the Gem.


Tested with rspec, check out test information at Code Climate.

Run bundle exec guard to watch for changes and rerun the tests when files are saved.


Soulheart is a Redis backed Sinatra server. I test with the latest MRI (2.2, 2.1, 2.0) and JRuby versions (1.7). Other versions/VMs are untested but might work fine.

It requires Redis >= 3.0

Additional info

This started as a fork of Soulmate, to bring it up to date and make it slicker. It's MIT licensed.