
Ruby API Wrapper and CLI for Sonar

Gem Version Build Status


Install the gem by running

gem install sonar-client

or add this line to your application’s Gemfile:

gem 'sonar-client'

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Gem usage

```ruby require ‘sonar’

# If you're using Rails 3+, create an initializer
# config/initializers/sonar.rb
Sonar.configure do |config|
  config.api_url        = ''
  config.api_version    = 'v2'          = '[email protected]'
  config.access_token   = 'YOURTOKEN'

# If you're using straight ruby (no Rails),
# create a Sonar::Client Object
options = {
  api_url: '',
  api_version: 'v2',
  access_token: 'YOURTOKEN',
  email: '[email protected]'
client =

# Create a Client Object expecting you have an initializer in place
# Sonar::Client Object
client =

# Get fdns '')
# => responds with a Hashie object ```

Running the specs

Until they’re mocked, specs are run against a live API, either production, staging, or localhost (development). The config in spec/spec_helper.rb requires several credentials to be set as environment variables to make requests. Consider adding this to your ~/.bashrc or export the variables before running the specs:

# Sonar config export SONAR_TOKEN=asldkstokenalskdjf export SONAR_API_URL= export [email protected]

Once you have the variables set, rspec spec will run all the specs.

CLI dev setup

From the project root directory $ rake install sonar-client 0.0.1 built to pkg/sonar-client-0.0.1.gem. sonar-client (0.0.1) installed. $ sonar

On the first run, sonar will setup a sonar.rc config file in your user folder. Run sonar config to view the full path to your config file. Here’s what your file will look like when it’s first created: email: YOUR_EMAIL access_token: SONAR_TOKEN api_url: format: flat record_limit: 10000 Replace YOUR_EMAIL with the email you used to register on the Sonar website. Replace SONAR_TOKEN with your API token found on the Settings page of the Sonar website. The format option can either pretty-print the return JSON or display it in a flat output (by default). The record limit is the maximum number of records to return for a query. Responses are returned in 1000 record chunks that are streamed into the output to avoid API timeouts. Enclosing quotes around these two settings are not needed. These configurations can always be overwritten for a single command line query by specifying the option and argument: --format pretty.

CLI usage

Typing sonar help will list all the available commands. You can type sonar help TASK to get help for a specific command. If running locally from the root project directory, you may need to prefix sonar commands with bundle exec. A rdns search command might look like bundle exec sonar search rdns


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