
This gem holds some common functionality for Solidus Extensions.

It has some utilities to make it easier to support multiple versions of Solidus.



Rails >= 5 introduced the concept of specifying what rails version your migration was written for, like ActiveRecord::Migration[5.0]. Not specifying a version is deprecated in Rails 5.0 and removed in rails 5.1. This wasn't backported to Rails 4.2, but Rails 4.2 is Rails 4.2. So we provide this helper.

# On Rails 4.2
SolidusSupport::Migration[4.2] # returns `ActiveRecord::Migration`
SolidusSupport::Migration[5.0] # errors

# On Rails 5.0
SolidusSupport::Migration[4.2] # same as `ActiveRecord::Migration[4.2]`
SolidusSupport::Migration[5.0] # same as `ActiveRecord::Migration[5.0]`

There's no reason to use SolidusSupport::Migration[5.0] over ActiveRecord::Migration[5.0], but it is provided.

Engine Extensions

This extension provides a module that extends Rails::Engine functionalities to support loading correctly the decorators class created into an extension both for development and production enviroments.

To use it just include the provided module in the Engine as follow:

module SolidusExtensionName
  class Engine < Rails::Engine
    engine_name 'solidus_extension_name'

    include SolidusSupport::EngineExtensions::Decorators
    # ...

To make it work, be sure to remove the previous implementation from the Engine, that should be something like:

def self.activate
  Dir.glob(File.join(root, "app/**/*_decorator*.rb")) do |c|
    Rails.configuration.cache_classes ? require(c) : load(c)



After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at