solidus_admin (WIP)

A Rails engine that provides an administrative interface to the Solidus ecommerce platform.


Adding components to Solidus Admin

When using the component generator from within the admin folder it will generate the component in the library instead of the sandbox application.

# the `solidus_admin/` namespace is added by default
bin/rails admin g solidus_admin:component foo
      create  app/components/solidus_admin/foo/component.rb
      create  app/components/solidus_admin/foo/component.html.erb
      create  app/components/solidus_admin/foo/component.yml
      create  app/components/solidus_admin/foo/component.js
      create  spec/components/solidus_admin/foo/component_spec.rb


  1. Update the version in lib/solidus_admin/version.rb
  2. Commit the changes with the message Release v1.2.3
  3. cd admin; bundle exec rake release
  4. Manually release on GitHub