
Build Status

Take some action for abandoned (incompleted) carts.

Override Spree::Order#abandoned_cart_actions with your logic. By default an email is sent, see AbandonedCartMailer.

You have to trigger the method in some way, an example recurring ActiveJob worker is included.


Add this line to your solidus application's Gemfile:

gem 'solidus_abandoned_carts', github: 'jtapia/solidus_abandoned_carts'

And then execute:

$ bundle
$ bundle exec rails g solidus_abandoned_carts:install


There are some preferences you can change (defaults are shown here):

SolidusAbandonedCarts::Config.tap do |config|
  # when an order can be marked as abandoned
  config.abandoned_after_minutes = 1440 # 24 hours
  # how often the sidekiq worker should run
  config.worker_frequency_minutes = 30

You can perform the processing of the abandoned carts at any time:


To modify the email, you just have to override Spree.t(:abandoned_cart_subject) and app/views/spree/abandoned_cart_mailer/abandoned_cart_email.html.erb.


Then just run the following to automatically build a dummy app if necessary and run the tests:

bundle exec rake