Solidus Returnly

This gem adds the required APIs to allow Returnly to obtain an estimate, process a return, and apply a reimbursement


This gem can be installed on spree and solidus, to release a new version to both registries you need to run bash $ rake both_releases this will generate two packages, solidus-returnly and spree-returnly

Current Compat Versions:

  • Solidus : ~> 2.4.0
  • Spree : ~> 3.1.0


Add solidus_returnly to your Gemfile:

gem 'solidus-returnly'

Bundle your dependencies and run the installation generator:

bundle exec rails g solidus_returnly:install


First bundle your dependencies, then run rake. rake will default to building the dummy app if it does not exist, then it will run specs, and Rubocop static code analysis. The dummy app can be regenerated by using rake test_app.

bundle exec rake

When testing your applications integration with this extension you may use it's factories. Simply add this require statement to your spec_helper:

require 'solidus/returnly/factories'

Solidus/Spree Sandbox

You can create a sandbox spree installationm

git clone [email protected]:solidusio/solidus.git
cd solidus
git co v2.0
bundle install
rake sandbox
cd sandbox
rake spree_auth:admin:create

default admin credentials:

Email [[email protected]]
Password [test123]

this will create a pristine solidus installation you can add the solidus_returnly gem and test the endpoints live


To get an estimate of the return order and taxes

POST /api/returnly/orders/:order_number/refund_estimate


  "items": [
      "order_line_item_id": "{spree order line item id}", 
      "units": 1


  "product_amount": "{money}",
  "tax_amount": "{money}",
  "discount_amount": "{money}",
  "total_refund_amount": "{money}",
  "refundable_shipping_amount": "{money}",
  "refundable_shipping_tax_amount": "{money}",
  "max_refundable_amount": "{money}",
  "transactions": [
      "id": "{refund tx id}",
      "amount": "{money}",
      "status": "PENDING",
      "type": "REFUND",
      "gateway": "{gateway}",
      "is_online": true,
      "is_test": true,
      "payment_details": {
        "avs_result_code": "{code}",
        "cvv_result_code": "{code}",
        "credit_card_number": "{number}",
        "credit_card_company": "visa",
        "gift_card_id": "{voucher_id}",
        "gift_card_code": "{voucher_code}"
      "created_at": "{date}"

To process the return and apply the reimbursement*immediately* you can pass the restock parameter on false to prevent the api to immediately change the stock in the default warehouse

POST /api/returnly/orders/:order_number/refund


  "items": [    
      "order_line_item_id": "{x_order_line_item_id1}",
      "units": 2,
      "restock": true
  "notify_shopper": true,
  "product_refund_amount": "{money}",
  "shipping_refund_amount": "{money}",
  "refund_note": "comment text"


  "refund_id": "{x_refund_id}",
  "user_id": "{optional merchant user ID}",
  "line_items": [    
      "refund_line_item_id": "{x_refund_line_item_id1}",
      "order_line_item_id": "{x_order_line_item_id1}", 
      "units": 2 
  "transactions": [
      "id": "{refund tx id}",
      "amount": "{money}",
      "status": "PENDING",
      "type": "REFUND",
      "gateway": "{gateway}",
      "is_online": true,
      "is_test": true,
      "payment_details": {
        "avs_result_code": "{code}",
        "cvv_result_code": "{code}",
        "credit_card_number": "{number}",
        "credit_card_company": "visa",
        "gift_card_id": "{voucher_id}",
        "gift_card_code": "{voucher_code}"
  "created_at": "{date}",
  "updated_at": "{date}",
  "refund_note": "comment text",

Overriding Refund Logic

Is possible to override the default behavior of the Refund Gem by extending the following classes


class CustomReturnItemRestockPolicy < ReturnItemRestockPolicy
  def should_return_item?(return_item)
    return_item.cost > 1 


class CustomAmountCalculator < AmountCalculator
  def return_item_refund_amount(return_item)
    default_amount(return_item) - 5.0

to set your custom classes to the returns process just add an initializer file: cofnig/initializers/returnly.rb

Returnly.configure do |config|
  config.return_item_amount_calculator = CustomAmountCalculator
  config.return_item_restock_policy = CustomReturnItemRestockPolicy
  config.refunder = CustomRefunder
  config.refund_calculator = CustomRefunderCalculator
  config.reimbursement_type_no_items = CustomOriginalPaymentNoItems
  config.refund_presenter = CustomRefundPresenter
  config.return_item_builder = CustomReturnItemBuilder

Copyright (c) 2017 Returnly Technologies, Inc