Solidity Typed

solidity-typed - "zero-dependency" 100%-solidity compatible data type and application binary interface (abi) machinery incl. bool, (frozen) string, address, bytes, uint, int, enum, struct, array, mapping, event, and more for solidity-inspired contract (blockchain) programming languages incl. rubidity et al

What's Solidity?! What's Rubidity?!

See Solidity - Contract Application Binary Interface (ABI) Specification »

See Rubidity - Ruby for Layer 1 (L1) Contracts / Protocols with "Off-Chain" Indexer »

Data Types

Available Value & Reference Types

Value Types

  • String: Text-based data (in utf8 encoding). Note: Solditity (-typed) strings are immutable (frozen).
  • Address: User or contract (blockchain) address (in hexadecimal) - 20 bytes (40 hexchars).
  • InscriptionId: Unique identifiers for inscriptions (in hexadecimal) - 32 bytes (64 hexchars).
  • Bool: Boolean values (true or false).
  • UInt: Unsigned (natural) 256-bit integer numbers (0..2^256-1)
  • Int: Signed (negative or positive) 256-bit integer numbers.
  • Timestamp: Date and time (stored as unsigned 256-bit integers. Seconds since "unix epoch" starting on January 1st, 1970 at 0:00).

Reference Types

  • Mapping: Key-value storage for different types.
  • Array: Lists of other types.

Zero (Default) Values

In Solidity, every type comes with a zero (default) value that gets assigned when a variable is declared but not initialized. Understanding these defaults is crucial for avoiding unintended behavior in your code. Here is the rundown:

  • Integers (Int, UInt, Timestamp, Timedelta): Default to 0.
  • Address Types (Address): Default to a zero-address, which is 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000.
  • Inscription Identifiers (InscriptionId): Default to a zero-identifier, 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000.
  • String (String): Default to an empty string ''.
  • Boolean (Bool): Default to false.
  • Mapping (Mapping): Default to an empty mapping object. The key and value types are set according to your specifications.
  • Array (Array): Default to an empty array object. The sub type is set according to your specification.

Literals & Type Coercion and Validation

Solidity (-Typed) employs a strong system of type validation and coercion to ensure that variables adhere to their declared types. This involves transforming literal values into the corresponding solidity types and reporting type mismatches.

Here's a brief rundown of type coercion rules:

  • Address: Accepts hexadecimal strings that match the contract or user (blockchain) address format (0x followed by 40 hexadecimal characters). The address is then normalized to lowercase.
  • UInt and Int: These types accept both integer and string representations. Strings are attempted to be coerced into integers. uint and int cannot be out of the range of their Solidity counterparts.
  • String: Only accepts string literals. Note: strings are immutable (frozen).
  • Bool: Accepts only true or false.
  • InscriptionId: Accepts hexadecimal strings matching specific patterns (0x followed by 64 hexadecimal characters).
  • Timestamp: Relies on UInt type coercion, as it's represented as an unsigned integer (32-bit) internally.
  • Mapping: Accepts a Hash and ensures that keys and values match the specified types. Coerces these into a typed mapping object (Mapping).
  • Array: Accepts an array and ensures that the values match the specified type. Coerces these into a typed array object (Array).


Let's try some random use:

require 'solidity/typed'

module Sandbox   ## note: "wrap" in sandbox (auto-)incl. (solidity) types 

#   frozen (immutable ) value types

#  note: (typed) strings always use utf-8 encoding AND
#               are frozen/immutable!!!
a =                    #=> <val string:"">
a = 'hello, world!' ) #=> <val string:"hello, world!">

a =                      #=> <val uint:0>
a = 100 )               #=> <val uint:100>
a += 100                               #=> <val uint:200>
a -= 100                               #=> <val uint:100>

#  use/add TypedNat(ural) (natural integer number) alias - why? why not?
#    check if natural numbers start at 0 (or exclude 0 ????)

a =                       #=> <val int:0>
a = 100 )                #=> <val int:100>
a += 100                               #=> <val int:200>
a -= 100                               #=> <val int:100>

#  idea  - use "plain" integer as TypedInt - why? why not?

a  = false                            #=> <val bool:false>
a  = true                             #=> <val bool:true>

#  idea - use "plain" true|false  as TypedBool (frozen|typed) - done

a =
#=> <val address:"0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000">
a = '0x'+ 'aa'*20 )
#=> <val address:"0xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa">

a =
#=> <val inscriptionId:"0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000">
a = '0x'+'ab'*32 )
#=> <val inscriptionId:"0xabababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababab">

a =
#=> <val bytes32:"0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000">
a = '0x'+'ab'*32 )
#=> <val bytes32:"0xabababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababab">

a =               #=> <val timestamp:0>

#  use/change/rename to Timestamp - why? why not?
#    ALWAYS uses epoch time starting at 0 (no time zone or such)

a =               #=> <val timedelta:0>

#  todo/check:  is bytes a (mutabale)bytebuffer or a frozen/immutable?
a =                 #=> <val bytes:""> 

# reference types

Array‹String› = String )    
Array‹String›.type      #=> <type string[]>

a = Array‹String›.new   #=> <ref string[]:[]>

a = Array‹String›.new( ['zero', 'one', 'two'] )
#=>  <ref string[]:
#       [<val string:"zero">, <val string:"one">, <val string:"two">]>
a[0]                  #=> <val string:"zero">
a[1]                  #=> <val string:"one">
a[2]                  #=> <val string:"two"> 
a.length              #=> 3
a.push( 'three' )
a[3]                  #=> <val string:"three">
a.push( 'four' )
a[4]                  #=> <val string:"four">
a.length              #=> 5
a.serialize           #=> ["zero", "one", "two", "three", "four"]

Array‹UInt› = UInt )
Array‹UInt›.type      #=> <type uint[]>

a = Array‹UInt›.new   #=> <ref uint[]:[]>

a = Array‹UInt›.new( [0,1,2] )
#=> <ref uint[]:
#      [<val uint:0>, <val uint:1>, <val uint:2>]> 
a[0]               #=> <val uint:0>
a[1]               #=> <val uint:1>
a[2]               #=> <val uint:2>
a.length           #=> 3
a.push( 3 )
a[3]               #=> <val uint:3>
a.push( 4 )
a[4]               #=> <val uint:4>
a.length           #=> 5
a.serialize        #=> [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]

#  todo/check:  add a "convenience" TypedUIntArray or TypedArray<UInt>
#                  use special unicode-chars for <>??

alice   = '0x'+ 'aa'*20
bob     = '0x'+ 'bb'*20
charlie = '0x'+ 'cc'*20

Mapping‹Address→UInt›  = Address, UInt )
Mapping‹Address→UInt›.type    #=> <type mapping(address=>uint)>

a = Mapping‹Address→UInt›.new
#=> <ref mapping(address=>uint):{}>

a = Mapping‹Address→UInt›.new( { alice   =>  100,
                                 bob     =>  200 },
#=> <ref mapping(address=>uint):
#     {<val address:"0xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa">=><val uint:100>, 
#      <val address:"0xbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb">=><val uint:200>}>

a[ alice ]            #=> <val uint:100>
a[ bob ]              #=> <val uint:200> 
a[ charlie ]          #=> <val uint:0>
a[ charlie ] = 300
a[ charlie ]          #=> <val uint:300>

#=> {"0xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"=>100,
#    "0xbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb"=>200,
#    "0xcccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc"=>300}

# more - enums, structs, etc.

Color = :Color, :red, :green, :blue )
Color.type     #=> <type Color enum(red,green,blue)>

Color::RED     #=> <val Color enum(red,green,blue):red(0)>      #=> <val Color enum(red,green,blue):red(0)>

Color::GREEN   #=> <val Color enum(red,green,blue):red(0)>    #=> <val Color enum(red,green,blue):red(0)>

Color.min      #=> <val Color enum(red,green,blue):red(0)>
Color.max      #=> <val Color enum(red,green,blue):blue(2)>

color =
color.serialize   #=> 1 

color =
color.serialize   #=> 0

Bet = :Bet, 
                     user:    Address,
                     block:   UInt,
                     cap:     UInt,
                     amount:  UInt  )

bet =

bet.user   = '0x'+'aa'*20 )
bet.amount = 123 )

bet.user   = '0x'+'bb'*20    ## literal assign (with typecheck)
bet.amount = 234             ## literal assign (with typecheck)


bet = '0x'+'cc'*20,  0, 0, 456, 

# ...

end  # module Sandbox

And so on. To be continued ...

Bonus - More Blockchain (Crypto) Tools, Libraries & Scripts In Ruby

See /blockchain at the ruby code commons (rubycocos) org.

Questions? Comments?

Join us in the Rubidity (community) discord (chat server). Yes you can. Your questions and commentary welcome.

Or post them over at the Help & Support page. Thanks.