
solid_assert is a simple implementation of an assert utility in Ruby. It let you write tests for your assumptions while coding.

Assertions are meant to test conditions about the integrity of your code. You should use them for testing assumptions like the following:

  • If the flow reaches here, then this variable has to have this value.
  • This line of code should never be executed.
  • At this point, this list should contain one entry for each key in this hash.

Notice that assertions shouldn't be used for handling error situations. Use Ruby built-in exception handling for that.

Assertions are typically used in development mode. You might want to disable them in production for performance reasons.


In your Gemfile

gem "solid_assert"


You can enable assertions with


Assertions are disabled by default.

Use assert for testing conditions. You can optionally provide a message

assert some_string != "some value"
assert clients.empty?, "Isn't the clients list empty?"

Use invariant for testing blocks of code. This comes handy when testing your assumptions requires several lines of code. You can provide an optional message if you want

invariant do
    one_variable = calculate_some_value
    other_variable = calculate_some_other_value
    one_variable > other_variable
invariant "Lists with different sizes?" do
    one_variable = calculate_some_value
    other_variable = calculate_some_other_value
    one_variable > other_variable


Create a file named solid_assert.rb in the config/initializers dir with the following content:

SolidAssert.enable_assertions if !Rails.env.production?

This way assertions will be disabled in production and enabled in the rest of environments
