
This gem provides a monitoring daemon which can be configured to collect data from a variety of pluggable sources. The results can be printed to the console or sent to a Riemann server. This requires the riemann-client gem to work.



Metric Events

Solanum represents each measurement datapoint as an event. Each event must have at minimum a service and metric with the measurement name and value, respectively. Events may also contain other attributes such as a state, ttl, tags, and so on - see the Riemann concepts page for more details.


Solanum is configured using one or more YAML files. These specify common event attributes, sources, and outputs.

See the example config in this repo for possible config options.


The defaults section of the config provides common attributes to apply to every event. This can be used to provide a common TTL, tags, and more.


A source is a class which extends Solanum::Source and implements the collect! method to return metric events. Solanum comes with several metric sources built in, including basic host-level monitoring of CPU usage, load, memory, diskstats, network, and more.

Additional custom sources can be provided, as long as they are in Ruby's lib path for the daemon.


An output is a destination to report the collected events to. The simplest one is the print output, which writes each event to STDOUT. This is useful for debugging, but you probably won't leave it on for deployed daemons.

The other included choice is the riemann output, which sends each event to a Riemann monitoring server.


This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain. See the UNLICENSE file for more information.