
This gem provides a domain-specific language (DSL) for collecting metrics data in Ruby. The solanum script takes a number of monitoring configuration scripts as arguments and periodically collects the metrics defined. The results can be printed to the console or sent to a Riemann server. This requires the riemann-client gem to work.


Solanum scripts define sources, which provide some string input when they are read. This input is processed by a set of matchers for each source, which can generate named measurements from that data. A simple example would be a file source, which is read and matched line-by-line against a set of regular expressions.

The emitted measurements can undergo a bit more processing before being reported. For example, some metrics are monotonically-increasing counters, and what we actually want is the difference between each reading. For others, we may want to apply threshold-based states to the events. These are set by service prototypes, which are also defined in the scripts.


Here's an example of reading some information about the current system memory:

# Read memory usage.
read "/proc/meminfo" do
  match /^MemTotal:\s+(\d+) kB$/, cast: :to_i, scale: 1024, record: 'memory total bytes'
  match /^MemFree:\s+(\d+) kB$/,  cast: :to_i, scale: 1024, record: 'memory free bytes'

# Calculate percentages from total space.
compute do |metrics|
  total = metrics['memory total bytes']
  free = metrics['memory free bytes']
  if total && free
    metrics['memory free pct'] = free.to_f/total

# Define a service prototype with a threshold-based state.
service 'memory free pct', state: thresholds(0.00, :critical, 0.10, :warning, 0.25, :ok)

See the files in the examples directory for more monitor configuration samples.


This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain. See the UNLICENSE file for more information.