

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'softwear-lib'

And then execute:

$ bundle install


Database capture

This feature will capture a generous subset of the production (or development) database into a spec. This serves 2 main purposes:

  1. to quickly convert hand-tested data into a spec without writing complex factories, and
  2. to isolate and begin testing a faulty set of live data before fully understanding the problem

To run:

bundle exec softwear capture

Then, follow the prompts. You will be asked for model name, record ID, which spec file to append, and a few optional identifiers for the generated spec.

Local authentication

$ AUTH_SERVER=false bundle exec rails s

Uses data from local users.yml.

Expected format for users.yml:

"user's email":
  first_name: "user's first name"
  last_name: "user's last name"
  profile_picture: local/file/location
    - role1
    - role2
    - rolen
    - right1
    - right2
    - rightn

Error handling

# In ApplicationController
include Softwear::ErrorCatcher
helper Softwear::Auth::EmailsHelper

to your application controller.

For error styling and animation add:

*= require animate/animate

  background: "your desired color here";

to your application.css file.