Module: SoftLayer

Defined in:


The SoftLayer Module

This module is used to provide a namespace for SoftLayer code. It also declares a number of global variables:

  • $SL_API_USERNAME - The default username passed by clients to the server for authentication. Set this if you want to use the same username for all clients and don’t want to have to specify it when the client is created

  • $SL_API_KEY - The default API key passed by clients to the server for authentication. Set this if you want to use the same api for all clients and don’t want to have to specify it when the client is created

  • $SL_API_BASE_URL- The default URL used to access the SoftLayer API. This defaults to the value of SoftLayer::API_PUBLIC_ENDPOINT

Defined Under Namespace

Classes: APIParameterFilter, Service, SoftLayerAPIException

Constant Summary collapse


The base URL of the SoftLayer API’s REST-like endpoints available to the public internet.


The base URL of the SoftLayer API’s REST-like endpoints available through SoftLayer’s private network
