Sofa Blog

Sofa Blog is an simple blog management engine for Rails 3.1 apps. As a bonus it integrates seamlessly with ComfortableMexicanSofa (microCMS)


Add gem definition to your Gemfile:

gem 'sofa_blog'

Then from the Rails project's root run:

bundle install
rails g blog
rake db:migrate

You can immediately access it by going to



If you are using SofaBlog on it's own take a look in the initializer: /config/initializers/sofa_blog.rb. You probably want to set the admin controller to be something that handles user authentication within your app. Same goes for the admin_route_prefix.

If you are using SofaBlog in conjunction with ComfortableMexicanSofa everything will be configured automatically.

The Blog Post

@post = SofaBlog::Post.first    # Grab the first post
@post.title                     # The title of the post                    # The name of the author
@post.content                   # The content of the post
@post.is_published?             # Returns true if the post has been published
@post.created_at                # Created at
@post.updated_at                # Updated at
@post.comments_count            # The total number of comments
@post.approved_comments_count   # The number of approved comments

A blog post can be tagged with a comma separared list of words.

@post.tags.collect(&:name).join(', ') # Returns a comma-separated list of tags in the post

A few scopes are also available for your convenience:

SofaBlog::Post.published                                    # All the published posts 
SofaBlog::Post.tagged_with(params[:tag_id].to_i)            # All the posts tagged with a specific tag_id
SofaBlog::Post.published.tagged_with(params[:tag_id].to_i)  # All the published posts tagged with a specific tag_id

The Comments

@comment = @post.comments.first   # Grab the first comment                     # The name of the author                    # The email of the author
@comment.content                  # The comment
@comment.is_approved?             # Returns true if the comment has been approved
@comment.created_at               # Created at
@comment.updated_at               # Updated at

Sofa Blog is released under the MIT license

Copyright 2011 Jack Neto, The Working Group Inc