What is Snooby?

Snooby is a wrapper around the reddit API written in Ruby. It aims to make automating any part of the reddit experience as simple and clear-cut as possible, while still providing ample functionality.


gem install snooby


Here's one way you might go about implementing a very simple bot that constantly monitors new comments to scold users of crass language.

require 'snooby'

probot = Snooby::Client.new('ProfanityBot, v1.0')
probot.authorize!('ProfanityBot', 'hunter2')
while true
  new_comments = probot.r('all').comments
  sleep 2 # Respecting the API is currently manual, will be fixed in future.
  new_comments.each do |com|
    if com.body =~ /(vile|rotten|words)/
      com.reply("#{$&.capitalize} is a terrible word, #{com.author}!")
      sleep 2
  sleep 2


Snooby is in the early stages of active development. Most of the code is structure, but there is some functionality in place. At the moment, Snooby can:

  • grab the first page of comments/posts for a user/subreddit
  • grab about data for users and subreddits
  • grab trophy data
  • reply to comments and posts


  • Pagination
  • Flesh out errors
  • Much more thorough configuration file
  • Granular caching