
Testing environment for Brighter Planet Climate Middleware emission calculation gems.

This gem provides:

  • Sample data used for calculations, representative of data found on
  • A database/ActiveRecord environment for said data
  • References to gems needed by each emitter gem
  • An autoloader that will load any models and sample data needed by the emitter gem being tested (see Usage)


Within an emitter gem's test setup, you can: require 'sniff'

Sniff.init '/path/to/emitter_project'

If an emitter gem has its own test models and data, sniff will look for the models in EMITTER_GEM_DIR/lib/test_support/data_models/ and the data fixtures in EMITTER_GEM_DIR/lib/test_support/db/fixtures/. It will also look for a schema in EMITTER_GEM_DIR/lib/test_support/db/schema.rb

How to contribute

Typical contributions will include updates to test data.

  1. Fork the project.
  2. Make your feature addition or bug fix.
  3. Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history. (if you want to have your own version, that is fine but bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull)
  4. Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches.

Local Gems

Sniff depends on several gems, some of which are developed by Brighter Planet. You can tell Sniff or any of the carbon gems to use your local repos in lieu of installed rubygems through the following steps:

Paste the following functions into your ~/.bash_profile function mod_devgem() { var="LOCAL_echo $2 | tr 'a-z' 'A-Z'"

  if [ "$1" == "disable" ]
    echo "unset $var"
    unset $var
    echo "export $var=$dir"
    export $var=$dir

function devgems () {
  # Usage: devgems [enable|disable] [gemname]
  if [ -z $2 ]
    mod_devgem $cmd characterizable
    mod_devgem $cmd cohort_scope
    mod_devgem $cmd falls_back_on
    mod_devgem $cmd leap
    mod_devgem $cmd loose_tight_dictionary
    mod_devgem $cmd sniff
    mod_devgem $cmd data_miner
    mod_devgem $cmd $2

To enable all local gems, run devgems enable To turn off devgems, run devgems disable To turn off a specific gem, run devgems disable leap To turn on a specific gem, run devgems enable leap

Typical development process: cd ~ git clone cd leap cd ~/sniff devgems enable leap rake gemspec rm -f Gemfile.lock bundle install