
A Sneakers worker handler that will re-queue the message when encountering an error.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'sneakers_requeue_on_error'

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install sneakers_requeue_on_error


Given a Sneakers worker:

class MyWorker
  include Sneakers::Worker

  from_queue :a_queue,
             handler: SneakersRequeueOnError::Handler,
             prefetch: 10,

  def work(message)
    # Do something worthwhile

Set the handler to be SneakersRequeueOnError::Handler.

From now on, if the work method encounters an error, the message will be place back on the queue.

Note that Sneakers has built in error handling around the work method, so you shouldn't attempt to catch any errors via rescue unless you want to bypass the error handling altogether.


To contribute to this gem, simple clone the repository, run bundle install and run tests:

```shell script bundle exec rspec bundle exec rubocop

## Releasing

The release process is tied to the git tags. Simply creating a new tag and pushing will trigger a new release to rubygems.