
Snafu is a Ruby gem that provides an interface to the Glitch API. Glitch is an online multi-player game created by Tiny Speck and provides a decent API for interacting with its world.


To get started, instantiate a client by passing in an optional oauth token of an authenticated user. Be sure to pass in an OAuth token with the appropriate scope level for API method you wish to call.

    snafu = => "your-oauth-token")

Snafu currently does not support Glitch’s OAuth authentication. There are other gems that support authenticating with Glitch including the excellent OmniAuth.

Supported Methods

Currently, only the locations.* methods are supported via helper methods. Each method returns a Ruby object representing the returned data.

    # locations.*
    hubs = snafu.get_hubs # "locations.getHubs"
    hub = snafu.get_hub(hub_id) # "locations.getStreets"
    street = snafu.get_street(street_tsid) # "locations.streetInfo"

The rest of the API will be supported in due time.

You can also receive raw data from the Glitch API by passing in any method as a string and supplying required parameters via an options hash. This returns a Hash representation of the JSON returned by Glitch:"calendar.getHolidays")
    => {
    =>   "ok"=>1,
    =>   "days"=>
    =>   [{"month"=>1, "day"=>5, "name"=>"AlphCon"},
    =>    {"month"=>2, "day"=>2, "name"=>"Lemadan"},
    =>    {"month"=>3, "day"=>3, "name"=>"Pot Twoday"},
    =>    {"month"=>4, "day"=>2, "name"=>"Root"},
    =>    {"month"=>4, "day"=>3, "name"=>"Root"},
    =>    {"month"=>4, "day"=>4, "name"=>"Root"},
    =>    {"month"=>4, "day"=>11, "name"=>"Sprinkling"},
    =>    {"month"=>6, "day"=>17, "name"=>"Croppaday"},
    =>    {"month"=>7, "day"=>1, "name"=>"Belabor Day"},
    =>    {"month"=>8, "day"=>37, "name"=>"Zilloween"},
    =>    {"month"=>11, "day"=>11, "name"=>"Recurse Eve"}]
    => }"locations.getStreets", :hub_id => 27)
    => {
    =>   "ok"=>1,
    =>   "hub_id"=>"27",
    =>   "name"=>"Ix",
    =>   "streets"=>
    =>   {
    =>     "LM416LNIKVLM1"=>{"name"=>"Baby Steppes"},
    =>     "LM413SQ6LRN58"=>{"name"=>"East Spice"},
    =>     "LM410QQ0CHARO"=>{"name"=>"Flipside"},
    =>     "LM4115NJ46G8M"=>{"name"=>"Groddle Ladder"},
    =>     "LM4109NI2R640"=>{"name"=>"Guillermo Gamera Way"},
    =>     "LM410TMR0S2S1"=>{"name"=>"Ruta Asuncion"},
    =>     "LM413RQ6LRG9N"=>{"name"=>"West Spice"}
    =>   }
    => }