
Send text messages with Twilio. Easily.


gem install sms

Or put gem 'sms' in your Gemfile.


Set the following ENV variables:

  • TWILIO_ID: Your Twilio API id token.
  • TWILIO_SECRET: Your Twilio API secret token.
  • TWILIO_PHONE: One of your Twilio phone numbers.

Then, send some SMS messages:

SMS.text :message => "Hello!", :to => "15558675309"

Calling SMS.text returns true if the message was sent, or false if it wasn’t.


To run the test suite, put a YAML file with the following keys at ~/.twilio:

  • sid: Your Twilio API ID token.
  • secret: Your Twilio API secret token.
  • from: Twilio phone number to send test message from.
  • to: Phone number to send test message to.

This is a bit of a hack. Unfortunately, Twilio doesn’t offer testing credentials.


  • This is a heavily–modified fork of sms-rb.


  • Consolidate YAML/ENV/options – should be able to set all from any method.
  • Support loading config directly from arbitrary YAML files.