
The Studio styleguide project

Running the build

The quickest way to get started is to run the following commands

bundle install
rake build_version

Running Smock locally

While you can do ruby -run -e httpd ./versions/latest -p 9090, some people prefer to use Pow instead. Install using:

curl | sh

The easiest way to do all the symlinking is:

cd ~/.pow
mkdir smock
cd smock
ln -s /path/to/smock/versions/latest public

Dev'ing Sass locally

To aid development this project provides two tasks:

This will copy and compile the latest code_html examples and make it ready on

rake build_version

This will monitor sass files for changes re-compile ready on

rake sasswatch

Note that you have to use rake build_versions to copy across markup.


  • Set up build tasks to update and download the stuff in the third party folder