Smeagol - A Read-Only Gollum Server

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Smeagol is a server that can run a read-only version of a Gollum wiki. This can be useful when you want to maintain a standalone website, but you want to update it through the Gollum wiki interface, e.g. via GitHub.

Smeagol also includes a static site generator that can convert a Gollum wiki into a static website to be served by any hosting service.

Smeagol follows the rules of Semantic Versioning and uses TomDoc for inline documentation.


Build Status

As of v0.6.0 Smeagol is in fairly good shape. It has a number of tests and they are all green. However the tests are far from comprehensive. So there is a some QA waterfalling going on here too. Probably it is best to consider the v0.6.x series an advanced beta set. So if you run into any issues, or see any clear ways to improve the project, let us know via the issues tracker to help us move toward a rock-solid 0.7.


You can install Smeagol with RubyGems:

$ [sudo] gem install smeagol

And then, if you want code highlighting, follow the Installation Guide for Pygments.

Ta da! You're ready to go.

Of course, the first thing you need to do is clone your Gollum wiki repo.

$ git clone [email protected]:user/


To preview your site via smeagol, simply change directories to your Gollum repository and run smeagol preview from the command line:

$ cd /path/to/repo
$ smeagol preview

This will run a web server at http://localhost:4567. You can change the port by setting the --port or -p option on the command line.


Of course, you want to customize your site to suit your style. To do this you need to add some Smeagol support files. Use the init command to have Smeagol put the default files in place.

$ cd path/to/wiki
$ smeagol init

In your wiki this will add a few files. One of these is _settings.yml which you use to configure smeagol for your site. See SETTINGS below.

There will also be a file called _layouts/page.mustache. Using Mustache templating use this file to create a custom page layout for your site. To learn more about the variables available for use in this template see the Smeagol Wiki.

Be sure to add these files to your repo and commit them. (You can just check these files in and push to the server. It will not effect you Gollum wiki in any way.)


The _settings.yml file allows you to configure certain behaviors of Smeagol. An example _settings.yml file:

static: public
title: 7R4N5.C0D3
author: trans
  Trans Programming Blog

- title: Homepage
  href: "/"
- title: RSS Feed
  href: "/rss.xml"
- title: Projects
  href: ""

See the API documentation for more details about each field.


Smeagol can serve multiple Gollum repos simulataneously. To do this create a configuration file at ~/.smeagol/config.yml. An example file looks like this:

port: 3000
auto_update: true
cache_enabled: true
  - path: ~/websites/acme/wiki
    origin: '[email protected]:acme/'
    ref: master
    bare: false
    secret: X123

Then to serve the listed repositories use:

$ smeagol serve


There are two ways to handle updates of the repository through Smeagol: automatic updating and manual updating.

To setup Smeagol to automatically update your repository in fixed intervals, simply pass the --auto-update option in the smeagol-serve command and Smeagol will automatically perform a git pull origin master on your repository once per day.

To perform a manual update, simply go to the update route, e.g. http://localhost:4567/update, and Smeagol will perform a git pull. Of course, change the URL appropriately for your hostname and port.


Have a great idea for Smeagol? Awesome. Fork the repository and add a feature or fix a bug. There are a couple things I ask:

  • Create an appropriately named topic branch that contains your change.
  • Please try to provide tests for all code you check in.

Note that Smeagol uses Citron and AE for testing. And admittedly the project is water-falling too much at present. So if you would like to contribute, but don't have any specific request, writing a few tests would be a great help.


Smeagol is distributed under the terms of the BSD-2-Clause license.

  • Copyright 2012 Trans, Rubyworks
  • Copyright 2009 Ben Johnson

Please see LICENSE.txt file for details.