
Ruby gem for Smashrun api

Register your application for getting client id and secret:



Smashrun.configure do |config|
  config.client_id = 'your app client id'
  config.client_secret = 'your app client secret'

client =

Refresh user's access token

Smashrun tokens are valid for 12 weeks, you can refresh access tokens using user's refresh token.


You better save new access token and refresh token.

Fetching activities

client.activities # => list of recent activities

You can also use fromDateUTC, page or count for filtering and paginating activities list

client.activities page: 1, count: 100

client.activities fromDateUTC: 2.days.ago.to_i, page: 2

If you want to minimize download size or need to quickly check for new activities, use following api methods instead.

client.latest_activities_briefs # retrive activities with minimal info( id, startTime, distance and duration)

client.latest_activities_ids    # or just ids

Fetching single activity detail

client.activity_detail activity_id        # full activity detail 
client.activity_svg_polyline activity_id  # retrive SVG polyline for route of activity
client.activity_geojson activity_id       # retrive activity route in GeoJSON format
client.activity_splits activity_id, 'distance_unit'        # retrive splits of an activity in specified unit ( mi for mile and km for kilometer)

Fetching user detail


Posting new activities


Copyright (c) 20117 Naveed Ahmad. See LICENSE.txt for further details.